July 11, 2017
From 3D to 6D in no time - Is there a limit to new dimensions?

To explain the physical world, Albert Einstein (1879-1955) had to introduce a space-time force. For example, gravity's pull on you is not only a function of your weight (mass), and where you are with respect to the earth's surface; it also depends on time, functioning as a fourth dimension.
Einstein proposed this model to replace Newton’s model of gravity as a force whose value includes mass and only three dimensions; in Newton’s model, time does not change the magnitude of gravity’s force.
The Einstein model is fine when dealing with forces affecting masses from us as bodies to other bodies on planet Earth – from rocks to plants to animals – as well as distant bodies such as the sun, moon, stars, and other planets. Most likely these bodies have no extra forces that affect their behavior; but we humans have.
Can we introduce a six-dimensional theory to study forces affecting human behavior, in addition to the four dimensions of space-time?
Is it possible to group all the extra forces, or dimensions, beyond space-time and call them “mind,” and its extension “spirit”?
The genetic makeup of each individual, plus his or her environment, education, and upbringing all affect the forces of mind and spirit.
Both are also dynamic, changeable, and able to be nourished and developed. But both are often neglected, not fully utilized, resulting in humans who are not fully developed; humans who function below their true potential.
Within 4D space-time, everything in the Universe is on the move -- constantly.
Even entities that appear to be solid, static, and completely immobile – like a rock by the roadside, or your living room wall and furniture – are composed of molecules that vibrate all the time.
Food moves through our digestive tract due to the action of muscular peristalsis, a wave of well-designed contractions that occur at the average rate of 2 cm per second. In our 6-meter-long small intestine and our 1.5-meter-long large intestine, food moves anywhere from 30 cm an hour to 30 cm every three hours.
Thanks to the heart, which beats approximately 2.5 billion times over an average lifetime, our blood is always on the move at about 5 km per hour – a typical walking speed. That means a drug injected into blood vessels in the arm can reach the 100 billion neurons of our brains in only a few seconds.
We also use space-time 4D to reproduce; sperm have to move at a rate of 0.6 cm per minute to reach the female egg in time to fertilize it.
How fast can our entire bodies move? Most of us can walk or run between 5 and 15 km an hour. Average North Americans walk more than 100,000 km in their lives – that’s twice around the world! Thanks to modern transportation methods, however, we travel more than 1 million km over the course of a lifetime.
Now here are some difficult but interesting questions related to the extra 2D, the hypothetical dimensions I mentioned above.
Are our mental and spiritual qualities affected by the 4D of the physical universe? Do they in turn affect them? How do they create their separate or combined forces? And how can we measure these forces in order to detect their effects on human behavior?
Today, many people still prefer to speak of gravity as if Einstein had never existed. Similarly, many also dismiss the forces created by the human mind and spirit, as if all the prophets and messengers of the world’s great religions and their holy books also never existed.
This tells me there is much yet to explore in a universe that perhaps has more dimensions to reveal than we ever imagined.