Topic: All Topics - 9/11 Aaron Bushnell Abdulfatah Al-Sisi Aboriginal Abraham abuse addiction Afghanistan African American Agriculture Al Jazeera al-Qaeda Alberta alcohol Alfarabi Alzheimer's America American Anne of Green Gables Anne Shirley Anti-Defamation League anti-Muslim anti-Rohingya Anti-semitism anxiety Arab Arab Spring Arafat Argentina atheism austerity Avicenna Ayn Rand B'nai Brith Beni Suef Bilingualism Bill 21 Bill 62 Bill C-30 Bill C-31 Bill C-6 Bill C-70 black Black hole body books Brain Brexit Britain budget Burma Cairo Canada Canadian Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms cancer cannabis care caregiver CBD cell phone cell tower Censorship Chalk River Chanukah Charlie Hebdo China Chinese Christian Christianity Christmas CIA citizenship civil rights Civil rights climate change Co-operative Colin Powell communication consciousness Conservative Coronavirus COVID-19 crime CSIS David Mulroney defamatory Dementia democracy depression diabetes diaspora digital footprint diplomacy discrimination Donald Trump Donations Doug Ford drugs Earth Ebola Economy Education Egypt Egyptian Egyptian president Egyptians Einstein Election electoral reform energy Environment Ethiopia ethnic EU evolution Ezra Levant FASD Fayoum feminist fentanyl Fidel Castro Flottilla foreign interference François Legault Fundraising G20 Gadhafi Gandhi gang Gaza gender genocide George W. Bush Gitmo Giza GM God Goldman Sachs Government grief Guantanamo Bay guns Haiti Hajj Halifax happiness Harper Hasan Osman Macci Hate Hatha yoga health Health care heroin Hilary Clinton homeless homelessness honour killings Huawei human beings Human Rights Huseyin Celil Ibn Sina Iceland Immigration India Indigenous insulin Iran Iraq ISIS Islam Islamofascism Islamophobia Israel Israeli Israeli Apartheid ISSP Istanbul Jack Layton Jerusalem Jewish Jews jihadists Jody Wilson-Raybould John Maynard Keynes Juan Guaido Judaism Julian Assange Kashmir Khadr Khashoggi Khurram Awan killer killing Kim Jong Un Kouachi Kuala Lumpur Language language Liberal Liberia Libya London loneliness Long-Term Care loss Love Lucy Maud Montgomery Mahathir Mohamad Malaysia marihuana marijuana Marxist McGuinty medal Media medical marijuana medication memory Meng Wanzhou Meng Wanzhou mental health mental illness Mexico Mexico Michael Kovrig Michael Spavor Middle East Mike Harris miners misconduct Mitt Romney Modi Mohammed Morsi mood Morsi Mouammar Gadhafi Mubarak murder murder Muslim Muslim Brotherhood Myanmar NAFTA Nasser National Gateway Native American NATO NDP Netanyahu New York City Newt Gingrich Nile niqab North Korea NSC nuclear nursing home Obama Occupy movement Occupy Wall Street ODSP oil older Olympics Omar Khadr Ontario Works opioides Ottawa shooter Pakistan Palestine Palestinians Pandemic parent Paris Parliament PC PEI Permanent Resident pharmaceutical philanthropy physical PIPA pipeline police Political politics poppy prayer prejudice prescription Prophet Muhammad psychological Putin pyramid Qatar Quebec Qur'an racial conflict racism radiation Ramadan refugee regime-change projects Religion residential care restorative justice retirement right-wing Rohingya Romney Royal Academy of Arts Russia Saudi Scheer schizophrenia Science deniers September 11 serial killer sexual harassment Shahbaz Bhatti Shireen Abu-Akleh shooting Sinai sleep snake SNC-Lavalin Social Justice solitude SOPA South Africa Sri Lanka status Stereotype Steve Paikin subconsciousness Suez Canal Sufi Sufism suicide superconsciousness SWAG Syria tar sands taxes TCAM Tehran terror terrorism terrorists thalidomide THC threat Tim Hudak TPN trade trade agreement transgender transistor trauma Travel Trudeau Trump Tunisia Turkey U.S. UK UM Financial United Nations United Way US Government Venezuela violence vote War Washington welfare Wi-fi Wikipedia wireless women WTO Wynne Yemen Yoga youth crime Yugoslavia Zehaf-Bibeau Zionism zionist
The situation leading up to the UN Palestine vote is fascinatingly indeterminate.
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In the second instalment of Women of the Resistance, Dimitri Lascaris speaks with Palestinian-Canadian artist, Rehab Nazzal.