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October 14, 2009

A Nobel for obstructing peace?

Alan Hart

Alan HartI don’t go all the way with the cynicism of the American (economics professor Thomas DiLorenzo) who expressed surprise that President Obama had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize “after killing only so few people”; and I really do hope that the current occupant of the White House will be allowed to deliver on the rhetorical commitments that won him the prize.

My fear is that events will invite the conclusion that the Nobel Committee had a premature ejaculation and that there never was a real prospect of the egg of hope being fertilized for justice and peace in the Middle East.

And that grim thought provokes an idea.

Why not create a Nobel award - it would have to be one of censure, not actually a prize - for the individual or individuals who do most each year to obstruct peace?

For such an award this year there would be more than a few nominations, but the clear winner would have to be Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu.

In his acceptance speech he would have to say that he could not claim all the credit for obstructing the peace because he was merely continuing and consolidating the work started in 1948 with Zionism’s first ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

If he wished he could, however, claim most of the credit for stopping Obama in his tracks. (The question of how much he, Netanyahu, was assisted in this effort by the Zionist lobby in America and its stooges in Congress is an open one).

The BBC’s coverage of the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama caused me to smile but also posed a question about its fear of offending Zionism too much.

The smile was brought to my face by the corporation’s wry North America editor, Mark Mardell. It seemed to many, he said, that Obama had been awarded for prize “for not being President Bush”.

The assessment of Paul Reynolds, the BBC’s World Affairs correspondent, was puzzling to say the least.

“The risk for President Obama”, Reynolds said and wrote, was that “he might not be able to live up to his billing.” That being so, Reynolds went on, it was perhaps worth looking at some of the problems Obama faces and his intentions in dealing with them in order to take a view on his likelihood of success. The problems Reynolds listed were:

Nuclear weapons

Climate Change

Human Rights




I found myself wondering why Reynolds did not include the Israel/Palestine conflict on his list. Perhaps he takes it as read that Obama has already been stuffed on that.

Alan Hart is a former ITN and BBC Panorama correspondent and author of, his latest book, Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, now being published in America in three volumes by Clarity Press Inc. He blogs on and tweets on

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