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January 10, 2013

Discover Reverse Aging

The Canadian Charger

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From the perspective of a 77 year old man

Aging is a natural process that every human being will go through in his or her life.  As related by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), "Allah has not made a disease without appointing a remedy for it, with the exception of one disease, namely, old age." (Abu Dawood)  It is a known fact that everyone will inevitably age, and become older.  Along with this, rather than putting your guard down and allowing your body to age in an unpleasant way, one should strive to keep their bodies to its maximal functionality, as it was when one was younger.

First of all, we should take a look at the natural physiological changes that occur in the human body as it ages.  As one ages, their metabolism, which is the rate at which the body converts or “burns” food into energy, tends to slow down.  The body also produces less growth hormone.  With a healthy metabolism, one can burn food and fat quickly, replace and repair old and damaged cells, have a healthy blood flow to all vital organs and extremities, and have an overall feeling of good health, without any weakness or debilitation. 

Children, who are still in their years of growth, have an extremely high metabolism.  As one ages, naturally, one’s metabolism slows down.  This explains how you may have been able to eat endlessly when you were younger without gaining weight but as you grew older, you experienced that just a small indulgence converts directly into fat.

Also, when one ages, there is decrease in muscle mass coupled with an overall weakening of the muscles.  Individuals start to experience this in their early 40s and it progresses substantially when the individual gets to their 50s and 60s.  This overall wasting of muscle applies not only to skeletal muscles, but also to cardiac (heart) muscle as well. 

With all of this being said, it is important to focus on boosting ones metabolism, when doing exercises.  The muscles in the human body play a big role in boosting metabolic rate, therefore, this makes it imperative to maintain healthy muscle structure as well. 

I, like most of us, want to be healthy and active till I die.  I tried different exercises and diets, and went on doing research in preparing my own recipes (Food Supplements, Diabetic Cures, Oils for muscular and knee pain, and hair growth tonics, etc.).  I gave them too many individuals in the community for several years, and found that they work. It was a time consuming and expensive venture, but these days and nights spent in research were meaningful, as others are benefitting from the fruits of the efforts. 

There is no doubt that it helped me, as I stopped going to the doctor and using medications for headaches, flu, allergies, Diabetes,  and cholesterol which were prescribed by the doctor. I was still feeling the aging impact of aches, pains, and tiredness; however, I disregarded them and associated them as things that come with age.

With that, I started researching the way that our prophet (SAW) used to pray, keeping in mind that he ordered us to “Pray as you see me pray

I started analyzing each action and pondering over it. The revelation and practice had an amazing effect on my body and mind that, in a year and half, I found myself active and doing things better than when I was in my 50s. I found people, who were in their 50s, 60s and even less, noticing me; some mentioned that I am unique, and that they cannot keep up with my pace.

I found that Salah (Prayer) is an exercise meant to keep one fit, and every action in it has benefit for the whole body, such as:  strengthening the muscles, protecting and energizing all the joints, and also regenerating, at any age, worn out tissues and muscles, with regular practice. 

In the Salah (Prayer), there are four basic actions:  Standing (Qiyam), Bowing (Ruku), Prostration (Sujud), and Sitting (Tashahhud).  Each of these actions plays a unique role in maintaining the health status of the individual, which will be discussed in more detail below. 

I.  Standing (Qiyam)

One should be standing straight, with their neck slightly bent in order to look at the place of Sujudh (where the head and nose touch the ground).  The feet should be spread to the width of the shoulders, with the knees slightly bent, stomach pulled-in, and the weight placed on the front two thirds of the feet, including the toes, and without lifting the heels from the ground.  One should raise their hands up to their ear lobes, and bring them down, one after the other, and hold the left wrist with the right hand, on the chest. 

By standing in this position, the gravitational force is balanced between the two legs, and the muscles of the legs can take over the weight and strain exerted by the body on the knee and hip joints as well as the back.  Furthermore, this position provides further regulation of the blood flow to the lower extremities and joints, allowing toxins to be removed from those areas.  The placing of the hands allows an increase in blood flow to the hand area of the left motor cortex and sensory areas in the post-central gyrus. And many health benefits you will start noticing in this position. 

Worshippers, during the entire duration of their Salah, are uttering different verses from the Qur’an in Arabic.  This allows various muscles to be exercised in the face and tongue and further allows there to be a bilateral increase in the blood flow to the face, tongue and mouth, in both the sensory and motor areas.

II.  Bending (Ruku)

In this position, one should bend, with the hands on the hyperextended knees, stomach pulled-in, and the body should be pulled to a 90o position, so that the head, shoulders and back are in a straight line, and perpendicular with the legs.  After a few seconds, the worshipper then reverts back to the standing position, until the vertebral column is vertical. 

This position also promotes an increase in blood flow to the brain and eyes, improving functionality.

III.  Prostration (Sujud)

In this position, there is a great impact on the blood flow in the brain and helps to avoid ischaemic brain disease.  The blood flows faster towards the brain, eyes, and face.  The body gets demagnetized from electromagnetic charges, which cause tiredness and fatigue.  The postural equilibrium of the individual is more stable, as the various movements provide a complex positional sense in the brainstem and cerebellum.  The Sujud also allows the thigh muscles to get stretched, along with the muscles that surround the prostate gland, which have been proven to help prevent Prostatic conditions such as BPH and other conditions. 

There is a pause in between the two Sujud where one sits on his knees, and then after the back has straightened, one goes again for another Sujud.  This cleanses the respiratory, circulatory, and nervous system. There is also oxygenation of the entire body, while sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are relaxed.

IV.  Sitting (Tashahhud)

One should sit on the left leg with the knee flexed and the angle inversely dorsi-flexed.  The right knee should also be flexed with the toes flexed facing forward (qiblah). 

This position helps to toughen the legs and the hips, stretches muscles and causes more flexibility in the joints.  This sitting position encourages an upright posture, which is beneficial to the spine, and sciatica nerve. Also, the upper half of the body, such as the shoulder and head, are relaxed as most of the pressure goes to the lower half of the body.  This posture also assists digestion by forcing stomach contents downwards.

This protects the heart from artery blockage and strengthens the muscles of the neck and nerves. It also protects from VERTIGO.

NOTE: Prophet Muhammad (SAW), would pause till all of the backbones settled into their original places in the following instances:

1.  Between the Ruku and Sujud.

2.  Between the Sujud’s (Jalsah).

3.  When finishing the Sujud and getting up for Qiyam.

Saalat (Prayer prescribed for men and women is the same)

Dr. Muhammad Tahir Bhinder ALLAHswt bless him for his input.

We do salaat to obey the Almighty ALLAH(swt), we trust in HIS commands, there is always wisdom. Our trust is because HE is the creator, HE knows everything.

However it is essential to show to the people so that they can see and practice as it is good for the humanity.


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