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April 18, 2012

Health risks of wireless technology, Part 3

The Canadian Charger

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The 10 Golden Rules

1. Tell your family and friends about the health risks of wireless communication.

2. Don’t use your cell phone as your main communication device for voice, SMS, internet, and/or email communications.

3. Don’t use your cell phone if you are near a land line.

4. If you have to use a cell phone use it for a very short time.

5. Turn your cell phone off if there is no need to turn it on (when they are not used but on, cell phones emit microwave radiation).

6.  Don’t give a cell phone to children and young people less than 13 years old.

7.  Educate your teenagers to use cell phones only in emergency and only for a very short time.

8.  Know the location of the cell tower near you

There is a website that gives a map of cell phone towers in Canada, including their location, who owns them and their carrier frequency, as well as how many antennas may be located at a site:

Lobby for such a map in your country.

This is may be a useful website for those deciding where to rent or buy a house or apartment, or where to send their children to school.

When you click on this website, it automatically produces a map of the city where your internet connection is. This map has colour-coded icons showing cell phone antenna locations and who owns them.

To find out where the closest antenna is to your home, business or school, enter the address in the search bar.  The website will display the closest antenna to that address, and then if you can click on the icon of the antenna itself; and it will give you the carrier frequency of that antenna, as well as the name of the company that owns it. 

At the bottom right side of the page a message reads: “This website had been loaded 4,805,999 times, since its inception September 1, 1977.” Obviously, many people are interested in the location of these cell phone antennas.

Meanwhile, in her address to Canada’s House of Commons Environmental Committee (HCEC), on May 21, 2002, entitled: Wired and Wireless Electromagnetic Energy: An Overview of Health Concerns and a Call for Action, Dr. Magda Havas, Associate Professor of Environmental and Resource Studies at Trent University said:

“I'm sorry to say that little has changed in Canada regarding our guidelines, despite the fact that many new studies have been published documenting adverse biological and health effects of radio frequency and microwave radiation; and scientists and medical doctors from around the world have signed resolutions, petitions and written advisories trying to get international guidelines lowered to protect the public against radio frequency radiation exposure and cell phone use.”

Dr. Havas pointed out to the HCEC that communities from Prince Edward Island to Vancouver Island are opposing towers and antennas placed in residential areas, near schools, and daycare centres. However, she said that the reality on the ground is that when communities oppose tower placements, the final arbitrator is Industry Canada; and they often side with the Telecom Industry.

“In Charlottetown, PEI, City Council voted against allowing Rogers to erect a tower near a convent and several schools/daycare centres. Yet Industry Canada overruled Charlottetown City Council and provided Rogers with a license to operate.”

She added that antennas are placed in areas where there is already adequate cell phone reception, so lack of service is not the primary factor in the decisions that are made regarding the placement of antennas.

Other studies show that exposure to microwave radiation may cause electrohypersensitivity (EHS). Poor short-term memory, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, irritability and depression, skin problems, dizziness, nausea and ringing in the ears are some symptoms of EHS.

While the debate rages on, with industry and/or government funded research studies claiming exposure to microwaves, within government guidelines, is safe, one has to wonder why anyone would be willing to take a chance by exposing themselves, and their children to microwave radiation if they didn't have to.

In fact, in some communities in the United States, proximity to cell phone towers is reducing property values.

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