May 17, 2011
Just published
A New Egypt, Dr. Mohamed Elmasry, with an eyewitness DVD
"Egyptians have inspired us, and they've done so by putting the lie to the idea that justice is best gained through violence ... We must educate our children to become like young Egyptian people." - President Barak Obama, speaking about the January 25th Egyptian Revolution.
"I was in Tahrir Square during the revolution. I videotaped what I saw. This is the subject of “Egypt: From Protesting to a Revolution,” a DVD which is included with this book. This book contains many of my weekly columns published by Some were written post Egypt’s January 25th Revolution of 2011 and others, still relevant, were written before." - Dr Mohamed Elmasry
The Egyptian-born Dr. Mohamed Elmasry is Professor Emeritus of Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo and founding editor and publisher of
Book and DVD: $35 - including shipping and handling (Canada and US)
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Debbie Loney