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February 10, 2011

Mubarak did well, say Canadian Copts

George Sedra

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Demonstrations in support of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt? Who would have thought of this just a few days ago? No one. I am certain that this would come as a surprise to many people around the world. Only Egyptians would understand.

Indeed, Mubarak is a great man.

He is everything he has said in his Feb. 1 address. He fought and won for us, the Egyptians, many, many hard battles. He has done many good things for Egypt.

Yet, there were some problems.

One, he overstayed his time as a president in an era when this is unacceptable. This was particularly a problem for the middle class, to which I belonged in Egypt for 33 years.

Another problem: He failed us as Copts, Egyptians Christians, when he was subdued to Muslim extremists who attacked us and attacked our churches. We were disappointed because he also knew how loyal we Copts are and how much we love Egypt.

A third problem in Mubarak’s Egypt was the poverty and misery the nation is at now. However, he should not take the blame for it. The nation mushroomed to 80 million, doubling itself in less than 40 years with too few resources to keep up.

Mubarak did many good things to this country. He knows how well history will judge him. Mubarak loves Egypt, he knows that lords of darkness, the Muslim Brotherhood who spawn Al-Qaida and Hamas, are waiting to hijack this country and turn it to another Iraq — only on a huge scale. That is why, if I were in Egypt today, you would have seen me with other reasonable Muslim and Christian people marching Cairo streets in a pro-Mubarak demonstration agreeing to his safe and graceful exit from power in September.

George Sedra, Kitchener, Ontario.

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