January 20, 2011
What if 9/11 was not hijacked by the U.S. extreme right and Zionists?
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Elmasry
More by this author...9/11 was, and still is, the most politicized terror attack this century; hijacked by the American extreme right and Zionists to advance their political agenda; exporting wars, death, destruction and misery, eroding civil liberties at home and disrespecting human lives including those of Americans'. But what if America's extreme right and Zionists had not hijacked 9/11 and the U.S. government had treated 9/11 as a terror attack, as a tragedy, as a criminal act of violence which needed to be properly investigated?
What if the deaths on 9/11 had been genuinely mourned rather than exploited to serve the interests of Washington and Tel Aviv? If that was the case the address of President Bush to the American people on 9/11 would have been markedly different.
Bush’s 9/11 speech instead facilitated a preconceived agenda of war and hostility against the Muslim world. But it did not have to be so. Imagine if Bush had been more temperate and had waited until a proper investigation into the events of 9/11 had taken place.
Obama’s recent speech reacting to the shooting of congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords offers a good example of the kind of sobriety which Bush failed to show in the aftermath of 9/11.
Here is Obama’s speech followed by an example of what Bush’s 9/11 speech would have looked like had he employed the kind of rhetoric recently exhibited by Obama in the aftermath of the Arizona shooting:
President Obama reacts to shooting in Arizona, on January 8, 2011
“As many of you are aware, earlier today a number of people were shot in Tucson Arizona including several who were meeting at a supermarket with their congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. We are still assembling all the facts but we know that representative Giffords was one of the victims. She is currently at a hospital in the area and she is battling for her life.
We also know that at least five people lost their lives in this tragedy. Among them were a federal judge, John Roll, who has served America’s legal system for almost 40 years and a young girl who was barely nine years old.
I’ve spoken to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and offered the full resources of the federal government.
A suspect is currently in custody but we don’t yet know what provoked this unspeakable act.
A comprehensive investigation is currently underway and at my direction Director Bob Muller is en route to Arizona to help coordinate these efforts. I’ve also spoken to the democratic and republican leaders in the house.
Gabby Giffords was a friend of mine. She is not only an extraordinary public servant, but she is also somebody who is warm and caring. She is well liked by her colleagues and well liked by her constituents. Her husband Mark Kelly is a navy captain and one of America’s valiant astronauts.
It’s not surprising that today Gabby was doing what she always does, listening to the hopes and concerns of her neighbours. That is the essence of what our democracy is all about.
That is why this is more than a tragedy for those involved. It is a tragedy for Arizona and a tragedy for our entire country. What Americans do at times of tragedy is to come together and support each other. So at this time I ask all Americans to join me and Michelle in keeping all the victims and their families including Gabby in our thoughts and prayers.
Those who have been injured; we are routing for them and I know Gabby is as tough as they come and I am hopeful that she is going to pull through.
Obviously our hearts go out to the family members of those who have been slain.
We are going to get to the bottom of this and we are going to get through this.
But in the meantime I think all of us need to make sure that we’re offering our thoughts and prayers to those concerned.
Thank you.”
Here is the speech Bush should have given on 9/11/2001
As many of you are aware, earlier today a number of people were killed in New York and in our nation’s capital.
We are still assembling all the facts and do not know who did this.
Obviously a crime as sophisticated as this – breaking through the most elaborate and well funded National Security system on the planet and executing terrorist attacks of this magnitude - must have required a high level of sophistication and planning.
We are yet unsure whether this terrorist attack was an externally orchestrated event or whether those inside the United States organized this terrorist attack. This is why I will make sure we properly investigate this crime.
We know that many people lost their lives in this tragedy. Among them were some of America’s financial geniuses and many foreign nationals. No doubt the governments and families of those foreign nationals killed will want to know exactly what happened on this day.
I’ve spoken to the New York Governor and have offered the full resources of the federal government so that we can investigate what happened properly. The evidence will not be removed or destroyed until a full and proper investigation has taken place.
Suspects are currently in custody but we don’t yet know what provoked this unspeakable act.
A comprehensive investigation is currently being initiated. I’ve also spoken to the democratic and republican leaders in the house. They are keen to catch whoever did this.
This is more than a tragedy for those involved. It is a tragedy for New York and a tragedy for our entire country. What Americans do at times of tragedy is come together and support each other. So at this time I ask all Americans to keep all the victims and their families in their thoughts and prayers.
Those who have been injured; we are routing for them. I will make sure ample medical coverage is provided for those who were injured attempting to save American lives.
Obviously our hearts go out to the family members of those who have been slain.
We are going to get to the bottom of this and we are going to get through this. In order to achieve justice for those victims of this crime we must first ascertain the truth about what happened on this day. This is our obligation as your democratically elected government.
But in the meantime I think all of us need to make sure that we’re offering our thoughts and prayers to those concerned.
Thank you.