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August 7, 2009

What if Europeans hadn’t ‘discovered’ Africa?

Dr. Mohamed Elmasry

Dr. Mohamed ElmasryU.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton just started a tour of Africa that includes Kenya, South Africa, Angola, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Liberia and Cape Verde.

Last month President Barack Obama visited Ghana.

While he was in office, George W. Bush visited Africa twice in eight years; compared to his wife who visited five times.

What should Africans expect as the U.S. “discovers” Africa?

In the next issue of The Canadian Charger, Dr. Mohamed Elmasry, an Egyptian-born African-Canadian, begins a five-part series to address such questions as:

Why is Africa so rich, but Africans so poor?

How have Africans gone from colonization to recolonization without ever enjoying a true period of decolonization?

What would Africa be like if the Portuguese hadn’t “discovered” it in 1412? What level of human development might Africans now have achieved?

What was the rate of human development in Africa during the 1,000 years prior to 1412?

How did the European slave trade affect the development of Africans after 1412?

How did African slaves prior to 1412 differ from those traded by the Europeans after 1412?

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