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About Us

Canada Deserves Better!

We took steps to establish Canada's Voice Corporation (CVC) as an independent not-for-profit publisher of high-value alternative multimedia interactive online magazines.

The Canadian Charger, published by CVC, is Canada’s new national independent not-for-profit multimedia interactive online magazine with 60 of Canada’s top experts, writers and cartoonists.

In The Canadian Charger, we are committed to presenting a diversity of views and counter-views on issues of importance to Canadians, written by journalists, academics, outstanding professionals, award-winning experts, social and political activists, literary essayists, novelists, poets and artists.

We are doing all this for one vital and urgent reason: We believe that Canada deserves better!

We are inviting you to email us your articles to be considered for publication.

If accepted, articles will be posted online within 48 hours -- and your article can be read by potentially millions of readers worldwide, free of charge.

Moreover, we email a weekly digest with links to new articles, to a database with 100,000's of subscribers, who can read, down load and/or print at no cost. And soon we will be able to transmit to mobile devices anytime, anywhere.

You own the copyright to your article, provided  you republish it at least 7 days after our date of publication.

Please email 700 – 1,100 word articles and include your full name, email address, phone number, city, province, country and affiliation to Editor at Please specify what personal information we can publish along with your article.

We can only acknowledge articles we're going to publish and we reserve the right to edit before publishing, for length and / or clarity.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Canada's Voice Corporation
The Canadian Charger


"The Canadian Charger" is a legally registered trade mark. The logo of The Canadian Charger is based on an original artwork by Canadian artist Dr. Ibrahim Shalaby from a private collection.

  • Think green before you print
  • Respond to the editor