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Eleanor Grant


  • We are living through splendid times – Norman FinkelsteinEleanor Grant
    February 24, 2011

    “The disorder now sweeping the Middle East is allowing the Arab people to breathe the fresh air of dignity,” said Dr. Norman Finkelstein, speaking at a Kitchener Ontario church on Feb. 17.

  • Haiti: Why nothing gets betterEleanor Grant
    January 13, 2011

    "Since 2004, the new colonists have painted the face of us who are Haitian with the mud of humiliation." - Jean-Bertrand Aristide, year-end letter to the Haitian people, Dec. 21 from exile in South Africa. The hearts of the world opened to Haiti a year ago this week, in the wake of the vast destruction and death and injury caused by the devastating earthquake. But today we are bewildered and angry to see that the rubble still isn't being removed and thousands are still living in crowded camps with only thin tarps over them and no possessions or basic safety.

  • Bibles-in-schools controversy reveals both division and hopeEleanor Grant
    December 16, 2010

    Gideon Bibles were part of our lives when I was a child in school 50 years ago. Even in high school, the days started with the national anthem, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Principal reading us a passage from the New Testament over the PA system. School, church, and Sunday school were a seamless web. There were hymns at school assemblies, and there were flags and prayers for the Queen in church sanctuaries.

  • Islamic banking: Usury-free week celebrated Eleanor Grant
    November 24, 2010

    The Eastern Ontario town of Tamworth was the site of this year's "Usuryfree Week," a forum for raising citizen awareness about how the present system of money, banking, and credit works (or frequently doesn't work), and generating alternatives for local communities.

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