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October 26, 2021

Canada at the UN

October 17, 2021

Rt. Honourable Justin Trudeau,

Prime Minister of Canada

House of Commons,


K1A 0A6

Dear Prime Minister,

Congratulations on commencing your third term as the leader of the governing party.

The notion that ‘Canada is better’, especially when compared with US foreign policy, has persisted for many years. Recent events at the United Nations have, however, exposed the true nature of Canada’s global position, particularly in the matter of its blind and unconditional support for Israel.

September 2021 United Nations World Conference against Racism calling for global concrete action for the elimination of racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation was adopted by the General Assembly. Following is the composition of the vote that reflects who stands with whom to protect who? 

Countries voted:

Yes: 106

No: 14

Abstentions 44

Non-voting: 29

Total number of voting members 193

Among the 14 countries that voted NO, Canada stands out as a sore thumb, in the company of the USA, UK, Germany, Australia, France, Netherlands, Israel and six others.

This unsettling matter is not about the other 13 countries’ unethical alignment. As a Canadian, I’m utterly disappointed by our government’s NO vote to a global action to fight racism. It’s too important a matter to simply gloss over or to ignore. I’m a conscientious Liberal party supporter and have worked in several federal elections in my Ajax (Hon. Mark Holland) riding and now feels like my own party has taken such an unscrupulous position that defies Canadian values. The moral compass that once inspired many has vanished in thin air. All fair-minded Canadians were grossly appalled by Canada’s NO vote on this issue.

Canada’s culture of denialism when it comes to racism only exacerbates the problem when it seeks solace in the myth that racism in our country does not exist as it does in the United States.

Mr. Prime Minister, I trust that you will take necessary action to address this unprincipled position taken at the UN with the tacit approval of the ministry of foreign affairs, I assume. To put our mind at ease, please do let your supporters know what corrective action has been taken by you.

Thanks for your indulgence.


Javed Akbar



 Copy: Rt. Hon. Chrystia Freeland

            Hon. Mark Holland MP Ajax

            Hon. Marc Garneau MP

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