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February 28, 2024

The Only Way Ahead:

Dimitri Lascaris

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An Urgent Message to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

From Jewish, Black, Indigenous, Palestinian, Arab, Muslim — and all caring Canadians:

In December 2023, UN Secretary General António Guterres warned:

“There is a high risk of the total collapse of the humanitarian support system in Gaza.”

Guterres’ dire prediction has been tragically fulfilled. Today, the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is unimaginably worse. But Canada can help change that nightmare into hope.

We ask and urge you to:

1. Call on Israel to immediately stop its 144-day campaign of killing and destruction in Gaza;

2. Stop supplying Canadian arms to Israel from all sources;

3. Match all donations made by Canadians for Palestinian relief and aid;

4. Call on Israel to allow food, clean water, medicine, and fuel into Gaza;

5. Urge Israel to completely end its 56-year occupation of Gaza and the West Bank;

6. Call on Israel and the entire international community to recognize a free Palestinian State, according to UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338.

Contact (English/French):

Dimitri Lascaris

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