September 29, 2018
Resources on Jewish anti-Zionism and on Jewish and Israeli critics of Zionism
Given the recent attacks on British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, Canadian lawyer Dimitri Lascaris and many others accusing them of being anti-Semites these articles, especially those quoting Jewish anti-Zionists and Jewish and Israeli critics of Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, are helpful to rebut the allegation that all critics of Israel are anti-Semites.
I wrote many of these articles to be a resource to help pro-Palestinian activists to respond to these allegations. This does not mean that there is no anti-Semitism because there clearly was terrible anti-Semitism in the past which unfortunately lingers even today. However, the smear of being an anti-Semite if one supports human rights for the Palestinians happens far too often in an attempt to silence individuals or to destroy reputations. Please feel free to share this information.
"Joan Peter's From Time Immemorial: Definitive Study or Transparent Fraud," by Edward C. Corrigan, American Arab Affairs, Fall 1986, pp. 77-91.,-by-edward-c.-corrigan.-american-arab-affairs,-fall-1986-pp.-77-91.pdf
"The Palestinian Question at the University: The Case of Western Ontario,” by Edward C. Corrigan, American-Arab Affairs, Summer 1987, pp. 87-98.
"Jewish Criticism of Zionism," by Edward C. Corrigan, Middle East Policy (Formerly American-Arab Affairs) Winter 1990-91, pp. 94-116.
Alternate link:
Review of "Prophets Outcast: A Century of Dissident Jewish Writing about Zionism and Israel," edited by Adam Shatz, Review by Edward C. Corrigan,
Middle East Policy, Summer 2005, pp. 139-143.
"Zionist Distortion of History,” Media Monitors Network, January 16, 2006
Review of "Reframing Anti-Semitism: Alternative Jewish Perspectives, by Jewish Voice for Peace, eds. Oakland California, 2004. Published in Middle East Policy, Spring 2006, pp. 156-161.
Alternate link:
Review of "The Other Israel, Voices of Refusal and Dissent", Foreword by Tom Segev and Introduction by Anthony Lewis. Edited by Roane Carey and Jonathan Shainin. (New Press: 2002), Middle East Policy, Fall 2006, Number 3, pp. 140-150.
"The JNF: Charitable tax Status for Racism?" by Edward C. Corrigan, Outlook Magazine, September/October, 2008
Alternate link for article
"The JNF: Charitable tax status for racism?" by Edward C. Corrigan, April 9, 2008
"Is it anti-Semitic to defend Palestinian human rights?" By: Edward C. Corrigan, Dissident Voice, 1 September, 2009.
This article "Is it anti-Semitic to defend Palestinian Human Rights?" was re-published by Occupation Magazine in Israel.
This paper was submitted to The Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism and also appeared in Outlook magazine published by the Canadian Jewish Outlook Society: "Is it anti-Semitic to Defend Palestinian Human Rights?", Part One, Outlook, November-December, 2009 pp. 17-18 and p. 35; and "Is it anti-Semitic to Defend Palestinian Human Rights?," Part Two, Outlook, January-February, 2010, pp 17-19.
"Is it anti-Semitic to defend Palestinian Human Rights?" was published as a chapter of a book, Anti-Semitism: Real and Imagined: Responses to the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism," (The Canadian Charger, Waterloo, Ontario, 2010), pp. 83-99.
Rabble also published an excerpt titled, "Suppressing dissent on campus?" by Edward C. Corrigan,, September 1, 2009. Here is the link to the short article.
"The Goldstone Report and the debate in Israel," by Edward C. Corrigan, Dissident Voice, December 2, 2009. It was also republished by Occupation Magazine (Israel).
Alternate link: Israel's Occupation Magazine
"Is Anti-Zionism Anti-Semitic? Jewish Critics Speak," by Edward C. Corrigan, Middle East Policy, Winter 2009, pp. 132-145.
Alternate link:
"Einstein on Palestine and Zionism," by Edward C. Corrigan, Dissident Voice, January 9th, 2010
"Harper's attack on democracy and the Arab and Muslim community," by Edward C. Corrigan, The Canadian Charger, February 10, 2010.
"Israel and Apartheid: Is It a Fair Comparison?" by Edward C. Corrigan, Dissident Voice, March 1, 2010
"Jewish Critics of Zionism and of Israel’s Treatment of the Palestinians," By Edward C. Corrigan, Dissident Voice, April 16, 2010
"Israeli Criticism of Zionism and the Treatment of Palestinians: The Politicians," by Edward C. Corrigan, Dissident Voice, July 30, 2010
"Israeli Criticism of Zionism and of Israel's Treatment of the Palestinians: The Academics and Activists," Dissident Voice, August 21st, 2010
"A response to the attempt to ban Dr. Norman Finkelstein from Mohawk College," by Edward C. Corrigan,, February 17, 2011.
"Zionism and Anti-Semitism," by Edward C. Corrigan, Dissident Voice, March 31, 2012.
This article’s link is also posted by Occupation Magazine (Israel)
"Israel and Apartheid: A Framework for Legal Analysis," published in "Apartheid in Palestine: Hard Laws and Harder Experiences," Edited by Ghada Ageel, (Edmonton, University of Alberta Press, January 2016).
"Anti-Semitism and the Silencing of Debate on Palestinian Human Rights," by Edward C. Corrigan, Dissident Voice, April 20th, 2018.
Alternative link.
"The pro-Occupation Lobby in Canada," by Edward C. Corrigan, Tikkun, April 26, 2018.
Alternative Link
"Anti-Semitism Weaponized," by Edward C. Corrigan, Media Monitors Network, May 2nd, 2018
Alternate Link
"Defining Israel as a “Jewish State”," by Edward C. Corrigan, Media Monitors Network, May 6th, 2018
Alternative link:
Edward C. Corrigan Barrister and Solicitor Certified by the Law Society of Upper Canada as a Specialist in Citizenship and Immigration and Refugee Law, 383 Richmond St. Suite 902 London, ON, Canada, N6A 3C4 Tel: 519-439-4015 Fax: 519-439-7657 Toll Free: 1-800-883-6217 Web site: