(Pittsburgh, September 22, 2009) Public works crews placed barriers and civic banners over the weekend, while activists started marching and demonstrating, ahead of the G20 Summit, scheduled for Thursday and Friday.
Whether on a sidewalk or in a park, it is a beautiful green addition to the environment. Depending on the area covered by this galvanized steel tubes pergola, and its permeability, it could be: A bus shed, A place for reading and contemplation, A playground for children, and simultaneously A calisthenics place for exercising, Calisthenics post.
Karl Marx famously observed, in the Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, that "The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living." This quotation came to mind when I reflected on the putrid and bizarre changes to social assistance in Ontario over the years that are carried over from government to government, coming back like that bad penny. As has been said, the bad penny always turns up, even now that the penny is no longer with us.
Attitudes towards the Other within Judaism lie in myth, narrative, legend, and law. The narrative of differentiation occupies a central place in Judaism and infuses the development of both its laws and identity.
Professor Jordan B. Peterson of the University of Toronto first came to my attention due to his opposition to Bill C-16; an amendment to the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code that added gender expression and identity to the list of "prohibited grounds of discrimination."
PETRA, Jordan -- The Qur'an refers to many pre-Islamic peoples who rejected the divine guidance brought by those prophets and messengers who were sent among them. One of those groups, the people of Thamoud, constructed secure and mighty buildings that were literally carved into the rocky sides of mountains.
A book review. War Crimes in Gaza and the Zionist Fifth Column in America, James Petras, Atlanta, Clear Day Books, 2010.
A while back, I received an e-mail from an accountant in Newmarket who specializes in disability-related matters. Could I go see a fellow with a serious brain injury who needs some help in navigating the tax system? He is the relative of a prominent political figure.
Writing in personal letters and on his Facebook account, former Pink Floyd front-man and songwriter Roger Waters has accused both singer Neil Young and actress Scarlett Johansson of supporting Israel and neglecting human rights.
Although placebos have long been considered to have no effect on human health, Dr. David Suzuki, host of the CBC show The Nature of Things, said scientists are discovering they can actually heal our bodies, allowing us to breathe easier, walk better and, even soothe our pain.
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.