Jason Kenney, Canada's ex-Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, has cut health care for refugees.
The government of Hugo Chavez was correct last week when a representative said Ottawa supports "coup plotters" and "destabilizers" in Venezuela.
As the debate about where and how to send the bitumen from Canada's Alberta oil sands continues, environmental damage - while important - are but one aspect of the deleterious affects the oil sands are having on Canadian society, according to Thomas Homer-Dixon, a professor in the Centre for Environment and Business in the faculty of Environment at the University of Waterloo, and author of The Ingenuity Gap and the Upside of Down
Chantal Hébert and Jean Lapierre, authors of The Morning After (Alfred A. Knopf Canada, 2014) present us with a truly nightmarish scenario: What if the yes side had been victorious in the 1995 Quebec referendum on sovereignty? The book is a must read.
Ed Broadbent expressed disappointment in Barack Obama when he spoke at Ottawa's First Unitarian Congregation on September 27. "You don't compromise before you even take your position," he said. "He is decent and thoughtful, but he isn't the politician that Bill Clinton was." Broadbent was especially critical of Obama's failure to act firmly on the issue of Israeli settlements.
With people from all over the world coming to Canada because they have a vested interest in developing pipelines to transport Canada's heavy oil from Alberta, primarily westward to the Pacific coast - and also possibly eastward to Ontario and Quebec - is it any wonder that environmental concerns are not the primary concerns of these investors?
On January 1, 2015 the Government of Canada made significant changes to Canada Immigration policies for skilled workers who wanted to apply for Immigration to Canada. The Skilled Worker, the Skilled Trades Person and the Canada Experience Class Immigration programs were rolled into the new "Express Entry" program. The Live-In-Caregiver program was not affected by the changes.
On January 1, 2015 the Government of Canada made significant changes to Canada Immigration policies for skilled workers who wanted to apply for Immigration to Canada. The Skilled Worker, the Skilled Trades Person and the Canada Experience Class Immigration programs were rolled into the new "Express Entry" program. The Live-In-Caregiver program was not affected by the changes.
Speaking at the recent Liberal convention, Canadian diplomat Robert Fowler had harsh words for both Liberal and Conservative foreign policy, and deeds, or lack thereof.
In an editorial published on April 21st, the day before Easter Friday and Earth Day, the editors of the Halifax Herald Ltd. demanded that the United States escalate the war of aggression against Libya: "The only way forward is to use more force. The sooner NATO comes to this conclusion, the better."
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.