Part I - Something Disturbing
Given the recent attacks on British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, Canadian lawyer Dimitri Lascaris and many others accusing them of being anti-Semites these articles, especially those quoting Jewish anti-Zionists and Jewish and Israeli critics of Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, are helpful to rebut the allegation that all critics of Israel are anti-Semites.
I have received a number of complaints from readers about hate-filled and racist articles being circulated by one James M. Dorsey of the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Singapore.
In September of this year, Dr. Mohamed Elmasry, University of Waterloo professor emeritus of Computer Science, wrote to a number of federal officials - including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, cabinet ministers, MPs and Senators - urging that the Canadian government initiate a comprehensive technology-based program to end the longstanding discrepancy between mainstream and aboriginal educational standards.
When I took early retirement a decade ago, I planned to do a lot more traveling and writing, which I've done. But I've also discovered how difficult it is to enact the original concept of retiring; that is, being in solitude for contemplation and prayer.
During a meeting at the Dama Rose hotel in Damascus the other morning, this observer was briefed by "Abu Modar," a reputedly battle-honed field commander of the "Death Brigade," a unit based in the northern Syria Eskanderoun region, north of Latakia. Abu Modar explained that he personally had chosen the rather peculiar name for his outfit to symbolize the willingness of its members to die for their cause-protecting Syria.
This novel is indeed a page-turner. I read it with fascination and enjoyed it at different levels.
Alison Weir's short, powerful book documents hidden stories that have led to the major conflicts of the past century; understanding this history should help pave a path to peace in Israel/Palestine, and hopefully, to an American government that puts American interests first. Weir has written an accessible, myth-busting book that is meant to be widely read; it is tightly focused, with less than 100 well-referenced pages.
Is there a relationship between Islam and democracy?
The God Delusion, By Richard Dawkins, Houghton Mifflin Company, 464 pages, $18.95
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