Staying in bed is dangerous to your health. That was the theme of a recent presentation at the Civic Campus of the Ottawa Hospital.
As a microchip designer for some 50 years, I've grown to accept a theory of evolution that recognizes an originating designer, rather than one that does not.
Israel has sentenced a former soldier to four and a half years in prison for leaking classified documents to a journalist who used them to expose an alleged army policy to assassinate wanted Palestinian militants in violation of court rulings.
Beirut The Houla massacre has whipped up a new wave of outrage at the claimed brutality of Syria's government. Syrian envoys were kicked out of some Western capitals, more financial sanctions slapped on the regime in Damascus, and more furious demands are being made for a regime change toppling Bashar al-Assad and more calls for military intervention issued.
If the authorities in New York decide to try International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn on charges of alleged attempted rape, sodomy, and false imprisonment of a 32-year-old French maid at the five star Hotel Sofitel, the French government should insist Strauss-Khan be extradited to France to face charges.
Benamar Benatta will appear at an International Human Rights Day program at the Steelworkers Hall, 25 Cecil Street, Toronto on December 9 at 7:15 p.m.
"I don't know why she didn't permit your question," Dr. Ronald Stewart told us. The question was what caused climate change. He proceeded to explain it. It is a matter of global warming.
Muslim preachers spewing hate, intolerance and calls to jihad and murder receive barely a 'slap on the wrist' from British communication authorities.
Ezra Levant is a Zionist who believes that every Jew has a birthright to settle in Israel; an apartheid state created for Jews only at the expense of native Palestinians. To serve his ideology Levant regularly smears Islam and Muslims.
Sixteen years after the event, 9/11 stands as striking evidence of an insidious assault on science. Officialdom's dogged adherence to a discredited account of 9/11 stands as a stark illustration of this phenomenon. The subordination of scientific method to the higher imperatives of imperial war propaganda is epitomized by officialdom's failure to formulate a credible account of the 9/11 debacle. Universities have become important sites of this betrayal. The sabotage of society's primary platforms of scholarly enterprise forms an essential feature of a more pervasive attack from within. Everywhere, but especially on the Internet, fundamental freedoms are being menaced to investigate, publish, publicize and discuss interpretations that might undermine or inconvenience power.
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.