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  • Americans, the murderers Michael Collins
    April 8, 2010

    (April 5, Washington, DC) Julian Assange and Wikileaks kept their promise of February 20 by releasing a video tape that shows civilians and reporter deaths from an attack by United States forces. The tape was presented at a 9:00 am press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

  • An "historic partnership" with the devil Professor Lawrence Davidson
    January 20, 2012

    Part I - New York City

  • An American motto: free, armed and stupidProfessor Lawrence Davidson
    July 28, 2012

    Part I - Gun Violence Epidemic Continues

  • An anti-depression vaccine?Prof. Dr. Mohamed Elmasry
    March 16, 2016

    Since the development of a smallpox vaccine in 1796 the pharmacological industry has worked continuously to build the body's immunity against other diseases. Could a depression vaccine be next? Or can we learn more about tapping the potential of our own natural antidepressants?

  • An Appeal for Clarification on Bill 21 Reuel S. Amdur
    December 9, 2019

    The head of government in each of the provinces is termed the premier, except in Quebec where he is called the prime minister. In the case of Quebec's François Legault, the title is well chosen, as the term minister has both a governmental sense and a religious one. In the religious sense, he is the Minister of Laïcité, assuring the religious neutrality of the state. With Quebec's Bill 21, he wishes to demonstrate that neutrality by forbidding government employees in positions of authority, including teachers, from displaying religious symbols.

  • An evening with Omar Khayyam Reuel S. Amdur
    October 20, 2010

    The Carleton University Centre for the Study of Islam presented a showing of the BBC documentary "The Genius of Omar Khayyam" on October 15, with the producer Sadeq Saba leading the discussion after. Following is an account of the evening.

  • An idiot's overview of why Western capitalism is crashingAlan Hart
    December 11, 2011

    The idiot of the headline is me in the sense that I am not an economist and have never had any formal association with study of the theory and practise of economics, but... I began to understand why what is today called Western capitalism was bound to crash way back in the early 1970's when I was researching and producing an epic documentary on the everyday reality of global poverty and its implications for all.

  • An Imam writes about love Prof. Dr. Mohamed Elmasry
    May 13, 2010

    Signs of love include "abundant and exceeding cheerfulness at finding oneself with the beloved in a narrow space, and a corresponding depression on being together in a wide expanse; to engage in a playful tug of war for anything the one or the other lays hold of; much clandestine winking; leaning sideways and supporting oneself against the object of one's affection; endeavoring to touch the hand and whatever part of the body one can reach while engaged in conversation; and drinking the remainder of what the beloved has left in his/her cup, seeking out the very spot against which his/her lips pressed."

  • An interview with Julian AssangeMichael Hastings
    January 29, 2012

    It's a few days before Christmas, and Julian Assange has just finished moving to a new hide-out deep in the English countryside. The two-bedroom house, on loan from a WikiLeaks supporter, is comfortable enough, with a big stone fireplace and a porch out back, but it's not as grand as the country estate where he spent the past 363 days under house arrest, waiting for a British court to decide whether he will be extradited to Sweden to face allegations that he sexually molested two women he was briefly involved with in August 2010.

  • An off-the-record New Year conversation with President ObamaAlan Hart
    January 11, 2013

    Q: Mr. President, I'd like to begin this conversation with a quote from a recent article by Thomas L. Friedman in the New York Times. He wrote: "The only thing standing between Israel and national suicide any more is America and its willingness to tell Israel the truth." If you were free to speak your mind to Israel, I mean Israel's Jews, what would be your message?

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