The father of the current Amir of Qatar once complained to me that Canada would not approve of his small, but oil-rich state opening an embassy in Ottawa. Some years later, Qatar was successful in its bid for diplomatic presence in our capital; it headquartered its new embassy in a five-star hotel next to Parliament Hill and a geographical stone's throw from CSIS, our national spy agency.
Egypt had been at the top of my list since seventh grade history class. To me, the Cradle of Civilization was a graduate-level travel locale, the grandest stop on a Grand Tour. So in January 2018, when I heard tourists were going back after a lull in political unrest, I booked a flight for the spring.
At the 9/11 Truth Film Festival entitled Why 9/11 Truth Still Matters, at the Grand Lake Theatre in Oakland, on Monday September 11, 2017 Ken Jenkins's film "Why revisit 9/11" notes that our world has changed since 9/11.
When Fox News Channel reporter Bill O'Reilly called Russian president Vladimir Putin a "killer," Donald Trump looked O'Reilly straight in the eye and responded, "What do you think, our country's so innocent? You think our country is innocent? Well, take a look at what we've done... a lot of people were killed... there are a lot of killers around, believe me."
Three men - who disappeared between 2010 and 2012 - are recently - and only recently - being identified as victims of alleged serial killer Bruce McArthur. Abdulbasir "Basir" Faizi, 44, and Majeed Kayhan were both from Afghanistan, and Skandaraj "Skanda" Navaratnam, was a 40-year-old Sri Lankan refugee. All three were immigrants, known to frequent the gay village, east of downtown Toronto. Is there a common denominator here that eluded police investigators?
At Guelph University Conservative operatives recently tried to nullify the vote of several hundred students at a poll set up to facilitate student voting. They failed, but there is a far subtler and more effective way of eliminating troublesome voters, students, Aboriginals, the poor and the elderly alike.
(October 21, 2009 - Saskatoon, Canada) About 300 protesters gathered outside the Teachers' Credit Union Place in
Our human genetic makeup is preprogramed with the ability to have faith, or not. That is the "nature" side of our being.
In a stunning international rebuke Stephen Harper's government lost its bid for a UN Security Council seat last week. The vote in New York was the world's response to a Canadian foreign policy designed to please the most reactionary, shortsighted sectors of the Conservative Party's base - evangelical Christian Zionists, extreme right-wing Jews, Islamophobes, the military-industrial-academic-complex, mining and oil executives and old cold-warriors.
Simply put, because she was Palestinian.
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.