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  • Canada in Iraq, Operation Silent PartnerReuel S. Amdur
    January 13, 2011

    A few years ago, I pointed out to Richard Sanders, the coordinator of the Coalition to End the Arms Trade (COAT) that Canada was actively engaged in the illegal war in Iraq.

  • Irving Waller's new approach to crime, a book review Reuel S. Amdur
    January 20, 2011

    Irving Waller's Less Law More Order (Ancaster, Ontario: Manor House Publishing, 2008) and Rights for Victims of Crime (Toronto, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2011).

  • Problems with Guaranteed Income ExperimentReuel S. Amdur
    May 22, 2017

    Ontario is set to carry out a guaranteed income experiment with 4,000 people in the Hamilton area, Thunder Bay, and Lindsay. Half will be in the control group.

  • The Threat, North Korean and The OtherReuel S. Amdur
    March 4, 2018

    North Korea's Kim Jong Un shows no sign of curtailing his nuclear ambitions. His nasty rhetoric displays an attitude that makes him a threat to the whole world. Atomic weapons constitute such a threat. However, we should not overlook where else the threat comes from. Just for starters, there is Donald Trump's equally belligerent rhetoric, noting that his nuclear button is "much bigger" than Kim's.

  • Health care is not enough, Dr. Jeffrey Turnbull saysReuel S. Amdur
    January 26, 2011

    "We should be investing some of the money we spend on health for social services instead, for prevention." Of course you would expect something like that to come out of the mouth of a social worker, but the speaker was no social worker. It was Dr. Jeffrey Turnbull, president of the Canadian Medical Association. "I'm dealing with the swamp," he said, "and nobody's draining the swamp."

  • Unions fight Climate ChangeReuel S. Amdur
    October 20, 2018

    Unions can be a powerful force in the fight against climate change. That was the message that Carla Lipsig-Mummé brought to an event in Ottawa sponsored by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council on October 3. She is Professor, Work and Labour Studies, at York University.

  • Are you suffering from hoarding?Reuel S. Amdur
    February 5, 2011

    From time to time, the media carry stories about houses full of cats or other animals. That's what is called animal hoarding.

  • Why social agency coordination is difficultReuel S. Amdur
    February 5, 2011

    "Agencies should work together instead of pulling in their separate ways and looking after their own interests. After all, they're here to serve the people, aren't they?" You often hear people making comments like this about social agencies in a community.

  • Behaviour Analysis for DementiaReuel S. Amdur
    October 24, 2018

    On October 18, the Royal Ottawa Hospital hosted a presentation by two staff from the Champlain Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) who spoke about behaviour analysis with dementia patients. Their presentation began with a film of a mute man suddenly activated when earphones were installed, playing music he liked. He started talking animatedly about the music and then began to sing. Mary Lesiuk, a registered nurse and the manager of geriatric outreach for the LHIN, said that to be effective the music should be to the person's taste. Lesiuk was accompanied by behaviour analyst Nick Feltz.

  • New NAFTA HurtsReuel S. Amdur
    October 27, 2018

    USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement), son of NAFTA, means that Canada has been forced to make some important concessions. The notorious tariff on steel and aluminum, exempted from coverage as being necessary for defense, may be a prelude to other similar exceptions. The ongoing softwood lumber battle is not resolved, as the U.S. appeals and appeals, but objects when Canada does to the World Trade Organization.

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