President Barack Obama did it with seven words. "Ultimately the U.S. cannot impose a solution."
In a recent speech at an ADL (Anti-Defamation League) dinner, Rupert Murdoch, arguably the most influential mainstream media chief on Planet Earth, made some extraordinary statements which must be challenged. But first it's necessary for us all to be clear about what ADL's role is.
President Obama ought to have trouble sleeping at night knowing that by allowing Israel to continue its illegal settlement activity on the occupied West Bank he has made himself, and his country, openly complicit in the Zionist state' s defiance of international law. In a different America that ought to be enough to have any president removed from office.
The headline is not meant to imply that I think he will. As things are he can't because of the stranglehold on American policy for Israel/Palestine of the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress, the mainstream media and many institutions of state including the Pentagon and intelligence agencies. My purpose is only to offer an answer to this question: What could happen if President Obama was able to put America's own real interests first?
If more and more Arabs breach the wall of fear that has prevented them for decades from demanding their rights, expressing their rage at the corruption and repression of their governments and at regime impotence in the face of Israel's arrogance of power, there's one question above all others America's policy makers will have to ask themselves.
Definition: Pariah - a social outcast (Chambers Dictionary)
In the early days of the demonstrations of people power on Arab streets it could have been said (some did say) that they were a huge setback for all the various forces of violent Islamic extremism. This because the demonstrations, in Egypt especially, seemed to be sending a clear signal - that change could be brought about by peaceful means on a non-sectarian basis. But...
As I explained on a lecture tour of South Africa (Goldstone Land) from which I have just returned, the answer is in what happened behind closed doors at the Security Council in New York in the weeks and months following the 1967 war. But complete understanding requires knowledge of the fact that it was a war of Israeli aggression and not, as Zionism's spin doctors continue to assert, self-defense.
When I was reflecting on Netanyahu's domination and control of the Congress of the United States of America, the first headline that came into my mind for this article was Goodbye to peace. I'll now explain why I think the headline above is more appropriate.
Because Israel's leaders prefer land to peace and there's nothing any American president can do about that so long as the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress call the shots on U.S. policy for Israel/Palestine, it's obvious that the Palestinians have nothing to gain, only more to lose, from politics and diplomacy.
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.