Piracy has moved from the Horn of Africa up to the Mediterranean. On November 4, Israeli commandos boarded two vessels on the high seas, seized the passengers and crew, and took the vessels and cargo, which were en route to Gaza to deliver medical supplies, challenging the blockade.
Health is not just a medical issue. There are social determinants of health, and one of the keys is income distribution, poverty if you will.
London Immigration lawyer Ed Corrigan said his libel case against Will Hector for calling him "one of the worst anti-Semites in Canada and an idiotic spammer," in an email to the Law Union of Ontario (LUO) List forum, will be a precedent setting legal decision on the question: "is criticism of Israel or Zionism anti-Semitic?"
Providing mental health services to immigrants and refugees is a particular challenge because of the need to understand and deal appropriately with cultural factors different from the Western Judaeo-Christian cultures that Western psychiatry is familiar with. But that is not all. According to Dr. G. Eric Jarvis, a psychiatry professor at McGill, "The patient may be influenced by more than one culture. There is the culture from before immigration as well as the culture which he is more or less integrating into in his new home."
As the guest speaker at the convention of the National Council on Canada Arab Relations held recently in Gatineau, Quebec, Clovis Maksoud electrified the room with his declaration that "as long as Palestine does not enjoy its rights, the whole Arab Spring will not be fulfilled."
The tension was palpable as some one hundred protesters chanted slogans to mark the first ever Global March on Jerusalem (GMJ), while across Bloor Street, at the corner of Avenue Road, in downtown Toronto, a noticeably smaller group of protesters, led by Meir Weinstein, national director of the Canadian branch of the Jewish Defence League (JDL), denounced those supporting the GMJ.
The Arab Spring was attempting to poke its head from under the autocratic cold in sunny Bahrain back in February 2011. Demonstrations broke out in Manama's Pearl Square. Rulers of Bahrain are Sunni, while most Bahrainis are Shi'ite, so of course the charge was that it was all Iranian-inspired. As in the other cases, efforts were made to put the demonstrations down with brute force. Again as elsewhere, the repression was failing. That is, until other forces interfered.
After reading The Qur'an 365 Selections for Daily Reading, by Mohamed Elmasry, Ph.D., one cannot ignore the call to prepare for Judgement Day because on this day God rewards for good deeds and punishes for bad deeds (22:1-2).
The New Year is of course the time when people often make resolutions and changes to their lives that they hope will lead to better things. It is also a time people look back to identify key events of the last twelve months. In Canada, three appear as key: the election of a Conservative majority government with most voters voting against it, the Quebec NDP breakthrough, and the Occupation.
After informing the viewing audience, in a September 8 CBC interview with Peter Mansbridge, that Canada faces "a number of threats on different levels," Prime Minister Harper singled out Islamic terrorism as the major threat facing Canadians. The interview was part of The National's series of stories marking the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.