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  • The Health Centre Model of CareReuel S. Amdur
    April 27, 2014

    The old fashioned model of medical care, still widely practiced, consists of a single family physician practicing solo. The pattern is now shifting to other arrangements, such as a group of physicians working jointly, with varying degrees of integration and sharing of staff and resources. In 1970, Quebec's Castonguay-Nepveu Commission called for a province-wide rollout of centres locaux des services communautaires-local centres of community services. These centres were to be part of a web of health and social services, they being the front line, providers of primary care. In addition to physicians, the centres wee to employ nurses, social workers, psychologists, and other health professionals, and the focus was to be one of social medicine. It was an effort to move away from a medical model of care to a more holistic approach.

  • Canadian TerroristsReuel S. Amdur
    April 27, 2014

    The Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences held a breakfast meeting on Parliament Hill on March 4 to address the question "Why do some Canadians become terrorists?" The presenter was Lorne Dawson, University of Waterloo professor and Chair of Sociology and Legal Studies. He has a special interest in the sociology of religion.

  • Planning for Future Health NeedsReuel S. Amdur
    April 27, 2014

    It took a Supreme Court decision to make the ultimate decision on the fate of Hassan Rasouli, on life support at Toronto's Sunnybrook Hospital. The doctors said, pull the plug, the case is hopeless and he is brain dead. The family said otherwise, and the court came down on the side of the family. One wonders if an end-of-life discussion ever took place in the Rasouli family, to determine his wishes in a situation such as this. If not, perhaps such a discussion would have avoided this long and expensive legal battle. Recently, there was an on-line seminar on advance care planning from Carleton Rehab Solutions. The two presenters from VHA Home Health Care were Sue Grant, a nurse, and Jose Medeiros, a social worker.

  • Once again: Corporate welfare bumsReuel S. Amdur
    June 8, 2014

    When Pierre Karl Péladeau raised his fist and announced that he was running for the Parti Québécois because he wants Quebec to be a country, he forgot to add this: "My country includes Delaware." That is the tax haven where he hived off some of his corporate profits. At the individual level, Philippe Couillard deposited some of his earnings while working abroad in Jersey. Couillard, newly-elected Quebec premier, is a distinguished neurosurgeon who spent time working in Saudi Arabia.

  • Israel: Jewish and Democratic?Reuel S. Amdur
    June 8, 2014

    Can Israel exist as both Jewish and democratic? That was the question at issue in a debate on May 22 between Max Blumenthal and Mira Sucharov, held at the University of Ottawa. The debate was co-sponsored by Independent Jewish Voices and the university's Interdisciplinary Studies program on human rights.

  • It's 1984 again in Harper's Canada Reuel S. Amdur
    June 8, 2014

    Remember the controversy over the abolition of the long-form census? The Harper government was so concerned about the intrusive nature of the questions that it was abolished. Our privacy is so important that it trumped new businesses' need to have demographic information such as age and income in places that they want to locate. It is so important that the feds were prepared to sacrifice ability to develop policy based on sound information about changes effecting education and workforce participation of Aboriginals and immigrants. It was prepared to put up with a rush job on the short-form census resulting in language data that are simply useless. Nevertheless, the principle was clear: The government needs to keep its nose out of people's private affairs. In the words of former Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Duncan, "I can tell you that our government takes Canadians’ privacy very seriously." But we have a disconnect.

  • Coping with AnxietyReuel S. Amdur
    June 26, 2014

    Sigmund Freud made a distinction between fear and anxiety. Fear is a reaction to a real present danger, while in anxiety the danger is absent. On June 19 Dr. Jakov Shlik spoke to an audience at the Royal Ottawa Hospital about living with anxiety. He is the clinical director of the hospital's Mood and Anxiety Program.

  • Rally for Refugee Health CareReuel S. Amdur
    June 26, 2014

    Is a sick child a bogus refugee? That was a question raised by Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) pediatrician Dr. Tobey Audcent, on June 16, the third national day of action called by Canadian Doctors for Refugee Care. The event was a rally on Parliament Hill. Some 350 people gathered for the rally, including doctors, nurses, social workers, lawyers, and medical students. They were there to protest against the Harper government's cuts to health care for refugees and claimants.

  • What to do about ProstitutionReuel S. Amdur
    June 26, 2014

    A conference on safety and the sex trade was held at Ottawa City Hall on June 13 under the auspices of Crime Prevention Ottawa. Safety was addressed primarily in terms of the danger of violence, particularly for streetwalkers, who in fact account for as few as five per cent of prostitutes. In the Vancouver Lower East Side, the figure may rise to 20%.

  • Homeless AboriginalsReuel S. Amdur
    June 26, 2014

    Aboriginal homelessness is complex. There is not a single cause and not a single Aboriginal experience, according to Caryl Patrick, a researcher with the Canadian Homelessness Research Network, publishers of her recent book Aboriginal Homelessness in Canada. Patrick spoke at Ottawa's Octopus Books on Bank Street on April 24.

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