British journalist Yvonne Ridley is currently writing a book about Prophet Muhammad. Recently she asked if I would write about how I felt the Prophet might respond to ISIS - an issue she plans to address in her forthcoming book. I was glad to do so and am delighted that Ms. Yvonne likes my piece; I hope you do too.
If I told you 100 years ago that everyone, everywhere, would have a digital footprint, where all that we did, said, or wrote, every place we went, everyone we knew - in short, our life histories from birth to death, and beyond - could be recorded permanently using a handful of sand, you'd have dismissed me as crazy.
Nothing prepared me for this.
During the 1980s I was privileged to contribute to Malaysia's ambitious plan to become a world class center for microchip design and manufacturing.
In teaching engineering students about microchip design, I would start with a simple exercise - design a microchip to control the traffic signals for an intersection.
Evidence-Based Behavioral Practice (EBBP) entails "making decisions about how to promote health or provide care by integrating the best available evidence with practitioner expertise and other resources, and with the characteristics, state, needs, values and preferences of those who will be affected."
It is too difficult for any scientist to believe that our universe simply happened - it must have had a creator, a designing one. And Albert Einstein was no exception.
Although many studies have shown that a low-carb diet can help with weight loss, a recent report published in Lancet by researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston has shown that extreme avoidance of such foods could also shorten your life.
Our human genetic makeup is preprogramed with the ability to have faith, or not. That is the "nature" side of our being.
We were born just four years apart; I in 1943 in a middle-class suburb of Cairo, Egypt and he in 1947, in small-town USA. We met formally around 1960, but have been inseparable in the nearly six decades since then, keeping company and supporting one another as dear friends do.
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