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  • Ontario health care under the scalpelReuel S. Amdur
    June 18, 2012

    "Premier McGuinty's fight with the doctors is a master stroke. It takes the spotlight off what is being done to health care in the budget."

  • McGuinty is worse than HarrisReuel S. Amdur
    July 19, 2012

    Can you believe it? Dalton McGuinty is actually worse than Mike Harris. Harris cut Ontario Works (OW) social assistance rates by 21.6%, while leaving disability rates (ODSP) alone. Since then, there have been percentage increases in OW and ODSP for, but less than, increases in cost of living. The percentage has been the same for both. That means that the gap between the rates for the two is constantly increasing. It is no longer correct to refer to the 21.6% cut in Ontario Works as a misdeed to put on Mike Harris' shoulders. It has by now become McGuinty's baby.

  • Rae Bows OutReuel S. Amdur
    July 19, 2012

    Bob Stanfield has been called the greatest prime minister Canada never had. Some are now wanting to put Bob Rae's name into competition for the title. Well, maybe, maybe not. The impulse for hagiography comes from Rae's declaration that he will not be a candidate for the leadership of the Liberal Party, of which he is now interim leader. But what is his legacy? There is little question that he is one of the best, if not the best, orator in Parliament.

  • Quebec students march againReuel S. Amdur
    July 27, 2012

    Quebec's student strike is serving as an inspiration for university students elsewhere as well. Ottawa university students are wearing the red square, marching, and getting arrested, even if at the moment the Ontario echo is, to mix metaphors, but a trickle.

  • Looking after a disabled offspringReuel S. Amdur
    July 28, 2012

    What will become of my disabled offspring when I am no longer around to help? That is a common concern that parents, especially older parents, have. The burdens of being the parent of a person with a disability, physical or mental, are apt to continue throughout life.

  • DegenderizingReuel S. Amdur
    August 7, 2012

    There are two main objections to degenderization of language, one based on history and the nature of language and the other on esthetics. We begin with a brief statement of the justification for degenderization.

  • Quebeckers VoteReuel S. Amdur
    September 15, 2012

    Quebec politics is taking some interesting twists and turns.

  • Canada: What universal health care?Reuel S. Amdur
    September 15, 2012

    It is claimed that Canada has universal health care. Unfortunately, that is an overstatement.

  • Quebec: Just a crazy man with a gun?Reuel S. Amdur
    September 15, 2012

    Last week in Canada, in the province of Quebec Richard Henry Bain shot and killed Denis Blanchette, who was trying to prevent him from entering the building where Pauline Marois was addressing her Parti Québécois supporters following the Quebec election in which her party won the most seats. The Canadian media reported Bain is bipolar. Isn't that the explanation for his behavior? Need we look further? Yes, we must.

  • United Church, Zionist EnemyReuel S. Amdur
    October 2, 2012

    The General Council of the United Church of Canada in convention in Ottawa this month adopted a resolution calling for a boycott of Israeli products from the West Bank. This action has resulted in a frenzied hostility from major Jewish organizations in Canada. Frank Diamant, CEO of B'nai Brith Canada, for example, said, "The recommendations only serve to undermine the goodwill that Jewish and Christian communities in Canada have worked tirelessly to establish and maintain."

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