Legal scholars David Milward Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba Faculty of Law and Pamela Palmater associate professor and Chair, Indigenous Governance, Ryerson University are expressing concerns that Bill C-51 - now law - could have a serious and detrimental impact on Aboriginal protests in this country.
When Canada stood alone as the only western country that refused to request the return of one of its citizens - Omar Khadr - from Guantanamo Bay, the Harper government was in effect sending Americans the message that they could do whatever they wanted with 15-year-old Mr. Khadr, according to his lawyer Denis Edney.
Researchers have identified loneliness and social isolation with many health issues, cardiac issues, mental health problems and mortality.
Researchers have identified loneliness and social isolation with many health issues, cardiac issues, mental health problems and mortality.
Unlike the hatred that at various times peaked against minorities such as Jews, black people or Catholics, those promulgating Islamophobia are better organized and funded; and they have the internet to influence a much wider audience much more quickly than ever before, according to Nathan Lean, author of The Islamophobia Industry.
(Toronto) Egypt is at a cross-road in history, both politically and religiously, according to Father Henri Boulad, a Catholic priest who served as the director of the Jesuit Cultural Center in Alexandria and lives in Cairo.
Few understand the axiom "information is power" any better than Prime Minister Harper, thus it's no surprise that a recent episode of the TV Ontario program The Agenda, entitled "The War on Data" is all about the Harper government's policies over its ten years in power.
While the public's attention in Canada and the United States was focused on the hundreds of thousands of people migrating to Europe from Syria and other troubled spots in the Middle East and North Africa, many of those watching the crisis unfold, safely out of harm's way, fail to remember that their forebears once migrated to the land their current-day descendants now claim as their own.
The National Post has no problem regurgitating Islamic extremist propaganda when it suits its agenda.
In March 2008, the Conservative government under Prime Minister Stephen Harper fulfilled a 2006 election campaign promise by appointing Kevin Page as Canada's first parliamentary budget officer.
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.