While not readily in the public eye, the rate of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is far higher than that of the raft of other serious disorders. That includes Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, cystic fibrosis, and muscular dystrophy. Dr. Svetlana Popova, Senior Scientist at Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, noted this unfortunate situation, pointing out that FASD can damage any organ of the body and can have serious mental health consequences. She was part of a panel presenting in Ottawa on January 24 at a session sponsored by the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Group of Ottawa and Adopt 4 Life.
Karl Marx famously observed, in the Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, that "The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living." This quotation came to mind when I reflected on the putrid and bizarre changes to social assistance in Ontario over the years that are carried over from government to government, coming back like that bad penny. As has been said, the bad penny always turns up, even now that the penny is no longer with us.
A quiet brain is a happy brain. That was the observation made by Guillaume Tremblay, a nurse practitioner at the Brockville campus of the Royal Ottawa Hospital. He was speaking at the Royal Ottawa Hospital in Ottawa on April 25.
Irvin Waller. Science and Secrets of Ending Violent Crime: Lanham, MD, 2019
"When it comes to Ms. Meng there has been no political interference. . . and that is the right way for extradition requests to proceed." That is what Christia Freeland, our Minister of Foreign Affairs, told the media in Washington on June 13. Let's see how that might play out.
The final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, Reclaiming Power and Place, is a massive, two-volume document. There has been considerable controversy around the report's contention that what has happened to Aboriginal women, girls, and sexual minorities is genocide, but since genocide applies not only to slaughtering people but also to instituting programs that aim to destroy a culture, Canada's treatment of Aboriginal peoples clearly falls under that term. The report spells out in detail, example after example, of just how this was carried out, especially but not only in the residential schools. However, there is a major basic weakness, going back all the way to its original charge.
Premier François Legault declares that "Quebeckers are open and tolerant and will continue to be." Therefore, in spite of the existence of "too many" racist acts, there is no need for a day devoted to acting against Islamophobia. Well, just how tolerant is Quebec?
Mental Illness and substance abuse: which comes first? This was the question posed at an address at a Royal Ottawa Hospital presentation on September 19. The presenters were two Royal Ottawa psychologists, Drs. Isabelle Ares and Suzanne Bell.
Grief is not just about death. It is a natural response to any loss. That is what Caitlin Sigg told an audience at the Royal Ottawa Hospital on September 24. She is a PhD candidate and part-time professor at St. Paul University. She noted that grief is a subject people are uncomfortable talking about. Yet, we all experience it, not just as an event but as a process.
Medical marijuana is in an ambiguous position. Its products lack DIN drug identification numbers. As a Health Canada web site explains, "A DIN uniquely identifies the following product characteristics: manufacturer; product name; active ingredient(s); strength(s) of active ingredient(s); pharmaceutical form; route of administration." And, "A drug product sold in Canada without a DIN is not in compliance with Canadian law."
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