Although the roots of the current revolutions in the Arab world can be found in the prevailing tyrannical/despotic order, violations of human rights, poverty, unemployment (especially among the young), corruption, dynastic rule, and widening gap between rich and poor, the deeper and more profound reason is the Arabs' enduring struggle for freedom and dignity - the two wings of the Arabian Eagle that emblazons the Egyptian flag.
In the "Epilogue" of his fascinating and engaging book The Crusades Through Arab Eyes, the renowned Arab/Lebanese-French writer Amin Maalouf, poses the rather intriguing question as to whether or not the Arabs and/or Muslims did really win the epic war against the European invasion of the Arab heartland.
I was born in 1933 in the Palestinian village of Beit Nuba, where I was brought up and lived happily with family and friends.
Dear Mr. Harper: We are distressed to see the prime minister of Israel being made welcome in Canada on the day that we see his armed forces committing the outrageous crime against the peaceful flotilla, bringing humanitarian aid to the people under siege in Gaza, and murdering over 10 international human rights activists, in international waters.
Paul Bennett in his article (The Halifax Herald, Oct 3, 2010) "Tale of Jews under Muslim rule", reviewing the book: "In Ishmael's House", by Martin Gilbert, relates episodes of Muslims' ill-treatment of Jews. This account contradicts the universal history of Muslims and Jews living together in peace and friendship, until the recent introduction of Zionism. Testimony to this is manifold, and is confirmed by Jewish historians.
Jeffery Simpson, columnist for The Globe and Mail, once neatly summed up the problem faced by Israel's public relations managers in the West.
As I sat glued to Al Jazeera for two weeks watching the Egyptian revolution unfold from my home in Toronto, I must confess to having experienced feelings of jealousy. How nice it must be, I thought, to live a country where people want democracy.
Academic conferences don't usually muster public attention, but in 2009 the organizers of the blandly titled Israel/Palestine: Mapping Models of Statehood and Paths to Peace found themselves at the center of a media shit storm fuelled by the hysterical rhetoric of pro-Israel community groups and their supporters in the media.
When the U.S. Treasury gave away $700 billion to Wall Street banks with no strings attached in October of 2008,
The most important new political landscape emerging from Canada's election has not been comprehended. The Harper majority, the collapse of the Liberal vote, and Quebec's re-entry into federal politics through a social democratic party are political turns that have caught attention.
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