Regarding the verdict of Mohammad Shafia, many stories in Canadian newspapers have printed that this has, "captivated Canadians from coast to coast, and touched off post-911 criticism of Muslim culture."
"Most people don't understand what they have been part of here," said Command Sgt. Major Ron Kelley as he and other American troops prepared to leave Iraq in mid-December. "We have done a great thing as a nation. We freed a people and gave their country back to them."
In 1980, Pierre Trudeau defeated Joe Clark's bumbling regime and formed a new Liberal government. However, he faced a serious problem constructing his cabinet. The voters of western Canada showed they did not much like the prime minister who had taunted them with the question, "Why should I sell your wheat?"
In Canada, we enjoy the freedom to choose who we want to govern us at the various levels of government and our school boards.
War with Iran is not inevitable, but U.S. national security would be seriously threatened by a nuclear-armed Iran. Particularly given the recent speeches at the UN General Assembly, military action is being discussed intensely.
November 29, 1947 was the date the UN passed the Partition Resolution partitioning Palestine, more or less equally, into a Jewish and an Arab state.
A friend of mind told me that shortly after the events of September 11, 2001 an incident took place in a restaurant where 3 women were sitting at a table and talking in an unknown "foreign language."
Antisemitism Real and Imagined: Responses to the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism, edited by Michael Keefer. Waterloo. Ontario, Canada: The Canadian Charger, 2010, $22.00. Pp. 286.
The struggle for Egypt is on the verge of a major escalation as the key sponsors of the jihadist cause in Syria are now committed to a similar campaign against Egypt.
We have long encouraged students to find ways to connect with their school work, making it interesting and personal, holding their attention longer and allowing them to see more success.
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.