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  • Layton's impact on NDP will be deep and lasting Chantal Hebert
    August 30, 2011

    MONTREAL - Jack Layton leaves behind a party that is less self-righteous about holding a monopoly on social democracy, but more driven to advance its ideals.

  • Ballot is the best way to bring changeChantal Hebert
    October 30, 2011

    Almost half of all eligible voters failed to cast a ballot in last May's federal election. More than half did not turn out for this month's Ontario vote.

  • Candidate's scheme is admirable but unworkable Chantal Hebert
    October 30, 2011

    Among the contenders for the leadership of the NDP, only Nathan Cullen has so far sketched out a co-operative arrangement to prevent a looming battle of attrition between the federalist progressive parties in the next federal election.

  • What Happened to Canada?Chris Hedges
    February 15, 2012

    What happened to Canada? It used to be the country we would flee to if life in the United States became unpalatable. No nuclear weapons. No huge military-industrial complex. Universal health care. Funding for the arts. A good record on the environment.

  • Elites will make Gazans of us allChris Hedges
    November 21, 2012

    Palestinian men carry an injured woman out of a destroyed house after an Israeli airstrike, in Gaza City, November 18, 2012. (Photo: Wissam Nassar / The New York Times)Gaza is a window on our coming dystopia. The growing divide between the world's elite and its miserable masses of humanity is maintained through spiraling violence. Many impoverished regions of the world, which have fallen off the economic cliff, are beginning to resemble Gaza, where 1.6 million Palestinians live in the planet's largest internment camp. These sacrifice zones, filled with seas of pitifully poor people trapped in squalid slums or mud-walled villages, are increasingly hemmed in by electronic fences, monitored by surveillance cameras and drones and surrounded by border guards or military units that shoot to kill. These nightmarish dystopias extend from sub-Saharan Africa to Pakistan to China. They are places where targeted assassinations are carried out, where brutal military assaults are pressed against peoples left defenseless, without an army, navy or air force. All attempts at resistance, however ineffective, are met with the indiscriminate slaughter that characterizes modern industrial warfare.

  • Wikileaks - Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate GovernmentCitizens For Legitimate Government ®
    December 2, 2010

    WikiLeaks is exposing US foreign affairs in a dramatic fashion. It is revealing over 250,000 cables from US embassies worldwide to the State department and other classified documents. The consequences of this 'mega-scoop' will be very far reaching indeed.

  • Syria: The real costs of diplomacyClaire Spencer
    June 19, 2013

    Which Syrians should be uppermost in diplomats' minds?

  • For truthers, 9/11 was an inside job Colin Freeze
    September 13, 2011

    A small but vocal and intractable group of dissenters has long believed the 9/11 attacks did not happen as the U.S. government says they did. Truthers, as they are known, suggest the role of al-Qaeda has been overstated or invented. They point fingers at shadowy state forces being involved in a massive cover-up - or complicit in the attacks themselves.

  • Israel: It is time to renounce "Canada Park"Corey Levine
    March 31, 2011

    March 30 is Palestinian Land Day, an annual commemoration to mark the ongoing displacement and dispossession of Palestinians from their lands, in which Canada has a small but significant role.

  • Justin Bieber and the University of Manitoba controversyCorey Levine
    May 7, 2013

    Last weekend brought another knot in the string of controversies that has surrounded Justin Bieber of late. Currently on a European tour, the Canadian teen heartthrob had a guided tour of the Amsterdam house where Dutch Jewish teenager, Anne Frank, hid from the Nazis until her arrest in 1944. She later died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp a few months before the end of World War II. While in hiding, she wrote a diary, which was a sharp-eyed window into life during wartime.

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