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  • 9/11: Open letter to ADL’s Abe FoxmanAlan Hart
    September 13, 2011

    Dear Abe Foxman: In your lengthy article Decade of Deceit: Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories 10 Years Later, you label a number of named writers and commentators including me who say that Israel’s Mossad was or even might have been involved in the 9/11 terror attack as anti-Semitic, and you assert that they are demonizing “the Jews”.

  • Brainwashed for final ethnic cleansingAlan Hart
    November 13, 2011

    Good examples of the extent to which many (most?) Israeli Jews have been brainwashed by Zionist propaganda and are as a consequence beyond reason and only capable of seeing themselves as the victims instead of what they actually are, the oppressors, were on display in all their naked glory in BBC Radio's documentary of the week first broadcast last Saturday with the title The State of Israel (meaning, as the programme made clear, the state of things in Israel).

  • Palestine - What next?Alan Hart
    November 20, 2011

    In advance of the formal burial of the Palestinian Authority's bid for state recognition at the UN, BBC Radio 4's flagship Today programme was on the right track. In his introduction to a quite revealing report, presenter John Humphrys said reporter Kevin Connolly had gone to Israel to find out "what hopes there are, if any, for the establishment of a Palestinian state."

  • The Arab Spring - hello or goodbye to democracy?Alan Hart
    November 27, 2011

    Israeli democracy fades to black (the black of the blank screen at the end of a film). That was the headline over a recent article by Lawrence Davidson, an American professor of Middle East history. He argued that the suppression of the democratic rights of non-Jews in Israel is coming full circle with Prime Minister Netanyahu's Likudniks and settlers now targeting the rights of Jews as well.

  • An idiot's overview of why Western capitalism is crashingAlan Hart
    December 11, 2011

    The idiot of the headline is me in the sense that I am not an economist and have never had any formal association with study of the theory and practise of economics, but... I began to understand why what is today called Western capitalism was bound to crash way back in the early 1970's when I was researching and producing an epic documentary on the everyday reality of global poverty and its implications for all.

  • When is a terrorist not a terrorist? & War with Iran or not?Alan Hart
    January 20, 2012

    The longer and complete form of the first question in the headline is - When is a terrorist not a terrorist in the eyes of the Obama administration (not to mention all of its predecessors) and the governments of the Western world?

  • The Zionization of American politics and how it could be terminatedAlan Hart
    January 20, 2012

    The first headline I thought of for this article was The Zionization of American democracy and how it could be terminated, but then I said to myself: "Don't be silly, Alan, there's no democracy in the 'Land of the Free.'"

  • Is Holocaust II (shorthand for another great turning against the Jews) inevitable?Alan Hart
    February 27, 2012

    The Gentile in me believes this question needs to be addressed because there is a very real danger that the rising, global tide of anti-Israelism, which is being provoked by Israel's terrifying arrogance of power and sickening self-righteousness, will be transformed into anti-Semitism unless two things happen.

  • Netanyahu v Obama - What next?Alan Hart
    March 27, 2012

    The headline over an article in Ha-aretz by Bradley Burston on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's poker game with President Obama was If Obama wins in November, is Netanyahu in trouble? That's a question I've had in my own mind for quite some time and it begs another. What, really, worries Netanyahu most - the prospect (not real) of Iran posing an existential threat to Israel or the prospect (real) of a second-term Obama?

  • Putting Palestine back on the agendaAlan Hart
    April 18, 2012

    By asserting that Iran is a threat to Israel's existence (a ludicrous assertion) and beating the drums for war with it, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has succeeded in getting Palestine off the political and mainstream media agenda and winning more time for Zionism to consolidate its occupation of the West Bank.

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