Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been found to be an effective treatment for depression and anxiety in two-thirds of cases and is now also used with other psychiatric conditions. Medication is also effective with comparative results. Sometimes both CBT and drugs are used together.
Understanding depression. That was the topic of a lecture at Ottawa's Royal Ottawa Hospital on September 17. Presenting were three psychologists, Kelsey Collimore, Andrew Jacobs, and Michelle Todd.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's visit to China is all about trade, in particular about a new Chinese regulation setting a one per cent ceiling on impurities in canola oil, a ceiling that producers claim is too hard to meet. The visit also provided an opportunity for him to raise the cases of Canadians imprisoned in that country.
Religion has a role to play in dealing with crime. That was the message at a presentation by Crime Prevention Ottawa on June 15. Dave Atkins of Redemption Grace Prison Ministries of Ottawa, which serves young men, and Dr. Zijad Delic, imam at the South Nepean Muslim Community were presenters.
There was a vigorous debate about BDS at the Green Party convention on August 7. BDS, that's boycott, divestment, and sanctions aimed at Israel. While party leader Elizabeth May opposed the resolution for BDS, it passed. According to the Globe and Mail, she called BDS ineffective. Is it? Here we must get some background in order to make a judgment.
There are some serious reasons as to why the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls is a bad idea. Let's begin with two. In the first place, many more Indigenous men and boys are victims. While the situation for women and girls is not completely the same, neither is it totally different from that of males. An inquiry focused on just females seems wrong-headed. The British Columbia Oppal inquiry was focused on women in response to the Robert Pickton murders, but a broader nation-wide study is another matter.
It is not just the West Bank and Gaza that are occupied by Israel. The occupation is felt as well in North America. That is the thesis of the documentary "The Occupation of the American Mind." After the film was shown at Ottawa's First Unitarian Congregation, Diana Ralph, a leading figure in Jewish Independent Voices, commented that the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs plays a role in Canada similar to that of AIPAC in the United States.
There are challenges to maintaining self-esteem as we age. That is the issue which Montreal social worker Norma Gilbert addressed in a video conference given recently by Quebec's Community Health and Social Services Network.
This anatomy of a confrontation with police is based solely on the account of the event given by the civilian who was involved in the conflict with police.
A while back, I received an e-mail from an accountant in Newmarket who specializes in disability-related matters. Could I go see a fellow with a serious brain injury who needs some help in navigating the tax system? He is the relative of a prominent political figure.
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