The New Year is of course the time when people often make resolutions and changes to their lives that they hope will lead to better things. It is also a time people look back to identify key events of the last twelve months. In Canada, three appear as key: the election of a Conservative majority government with most voters voting against it, the Quebec NDP breakthrough, and the Occupation.
This is Egypt 2012, one year into the revolution. International media was here a year ago and are still coming. Free elections for a new parliament are almost complete and were almost ideal. But Western media has put a negative spin on the results, promoting fear of the Muslim Brotherhood getting a majority while ignoring very important facts.
Part I - Congress Attacks the Constitution
As U.S. forces pull out of Iraq, residents and officials in Falluja say they leave behind bullet-riddled homes, destroyed infrastructure and a worrying increase in birth defects and maladies in a city polluted by weapons and war chemicals.
The fragile political power-sharing arrangement imposed by US forces during the Iraqi occupation is at a renewed risk of collapse.
"Most people don't understand what they have been part of here," said Command Sgt. Major Ron Kelley as he and other American troops prepared to leave Iraq in mid-December. "We have done a great thing as a nation. We freed a people and gave their country back to them."
The Canadian public does not share Stephen Harper's certainty about Afghanistan and the role of the military in general. A June, 2011 Ipsos Reid study, commissioned by the Department of National Defense, indicated that, "…Canadians were under-informed about the Canadian Forces role in Afghanistan, and that they did not know why the Canadian Forces were still there."
Israel, Palestine and American Christian Hypocrites:
Egypt's Sinai peninsula has the potential to be a show case in human and resource development for the New Egypt; the post January 25 Revolution's Egypt.
Huda Hasan and her sister-in-law Amena Faysal had every intention of becoming Canadian citizens.
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