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  • Coping with AnxietyReuel S. Amdur
    June 26, 2014

    Sigmund Freud made a distinction between fear and anxiety. Fear is a reaction to a real present danger, while in anxiety the danger is absent. On June 19 Dr. Jakov Shlik spoke to an audience at the Royal Ottawa Hospital about living with anxiety. He is the clinical director of the hospital's Mood and Anxiety Program.

  • Rally for Refugee Health CareReuel S. Amdur
    June 26, 2014

    Is a sick child a bogus refugee? That was a question raised by Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) pediatrician Dr. Tobey Audcent, on June 16, the third national day of action called by Canadian Doctors for Refugee Care. The event was a rally on Parliament Hill. Some 350 people gathered for the rally, including doctors, nurses, social workers, lawyers, and medical students. They were there to protest against the Harper government's cuts to health care for refugees and claimants.

  • What to do about ProstitutionReuel S. Amdur
    June 26, 2014

    A conference on safety and the sex trade was held at Ottawa City Hall on June 13 under the auspices of Crime Prevention Ottawa. Safety was addressed primarily in terms of the danger of violence, particularly for streetwalkers, who in fact account for as few as five per cent of prostitutes. In the Vancouver Lower East Side, the figure may rise to 20%.

  • Homeless AboriginalsReuel S. Amdur
    June 26, 2014

    Aboriginal homelessness is complex. There is not a single cause and not a single Aboriginal experience, according to Caryl Patrick, a researcher with the Canadian Homelessness Research Network, publishers of her recent book Aboriginal Homelessness in Canada. Patrick spoke at Ottawa's Octopus Books on Bank Street on April 24.

  • Ontario Election June 12, 2014: How to beat Tim Hudak and defeat the Right-Wing Agenda.Edward C. Corrigan
    June 10, 2014

    Most Ontarians are only now getting interested in the Thursday June 12, 2014 vote in Ontario and the ballot which will determine who will rule Canada's largest province. The Polls indicate that the current governing Ontario Liberals led by Kathleen Wynne are in a neck and neck race with Tim Hudak's Ontario Progressive Conservatives.

  • Muslim PhilanthropyReuel S. Amdur
    June 8, 2014

    Ouida Loeffelholz summed up a day-long Ottawa conference on Muslim philanthropy, held on June 3, by noting three themes: why Muslims give, what techniques can encourage giving, and what the upcoming generation of Muslims is doing in the field of charity. The conference was one in a series sponsored by the Association of Fundraising Professionals, a series entitled Diversity to Inclusion.

  • A Great Loss - Alistair MacLeod July 20, 1936-April 20, 2014Judith Maclean Miller
    June 8, 2014

    Alistair MacLeod's name is not a household word everywhere in Canada, but he is one of Canada's great writers. There are many reasons why I grieve over the passing of this man.

  • Review of Alison Weir's "Against Our Better Judgement: How the U.S. was used to create Israel""Karin Brothers
    June 8, 2014

    Alison Weir's short, powerful book documents hidden stories that have led to the major conflicts of the past century; understanding this history should help pave a path to peace in Israel/Palestine, and hopefully, to an American government that puts American interests first. Weir has written an accessible, myth-busting book that is meant to be widely read; it is tightly focused, with less than 100 well-referenced pages.

  • Newly released criteria for Canadian Federal Skilled Worker Program Edward C. Corrigan
    June 8, 2014

    On April 23, 2014 Canadian Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Chris Alexander announced the new list for the Federal Skilled Worker Program. As of May 1, 2014, there is an overall cap of 25,500 for new federal skilled worker applications. This number includes a cap of 500 applications from PhD students. For those applicants with a qualifying job offer there is no cap imposed.

  • It is about the Charter of Rights and Freedoms Mr. Ambassador!Shawn Robinson and Rana Abdulla
    June 8, 2014

    Demanding censorship of a Palestinian video-photography Installation, Israel's Ambassador to Canada asks Jewish groups to do the same.

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In the second instalment of Women of the Resistance, Dimitri Lascaris speaks with Palestinian-Canadian artist, Rehab Nazzal.

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