Carleton University's effort at promoting intergroup harmony has been received on campus with something less than universal applause. The report of the Commission on Inter-Cultural, Inter-Religious and Inter-Racial relations on Campus relies on a survey of students, faculty, and employees. The Commission was chaired by former Senator Landon Pearson. An immediate issue arises with the response rate. Fewer than 12% of the students responded. Does that response rate itself tell us something? Perhaps that the concerns explored in the study were simply not salient, that people were not concerned? Then there is the question of sheer numbers. The report gives particular attention to Jews. Yet there were only 29 Jewish employees and 28 Jewish students in the sample.
Back in 1971, President Richard Nixon's special counsel Charles Colson compiled an enemies list, a list of people Nixon did not like. John Dean, another Nixon counsel, explained the purpose of the list-"how we can use available federal machinery to screw our political enemies." Well, it appears that the Harper government has its own enemies list, with Cindy Blackstock having a strong presence on the list. Why might that be?
It was some years ago when Bill Davis was Premier of Ontario that I attended a program put on by Toronto Muslims to acquaint people, thought to be of authority or influence, with the Muslim community and its wants and needs. I was invited because I was the Unitarian in a group representative of the various religions working on a broadly based book of prayers and readings for the Toronto Board of Education, a book to replace the sole reliance on the Lord's Prayer in opening exercises in the schools.
In the final countdown to the UN General Assembly vote on recognition of Palestine as a non-member state, the PLO has indicated that it's expecting "a pleasant surprise"; it being the number of European countries which will not do Zionism’s bidding on this occasion and will vote for the resolution. Victory for the Palestinians in this forum can be taken for granted, and it will help to further isolate the Israel of Netanyahu as a pariah state, but... It won't be, can't be, a substitute for a viable strategy to secure justice for the Palestinians.
The recent Palestinian-Israeli conflict raises old issues but they all are ignored by the Western media, Western politicians and Zionist Jews.
On November 19, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) issued a press release in which it expressed alarm about the lack of a call by political parties for a cease fire in the Gaza conflict, noting that only the Liberals had done so, "almost as an afterthought," since the substance of the Liberal's statement focused on Israel's security concerns. "We should be advocating diplomatic solutions and cease fires and not excusing violence as a way to resolve differences," said CJPME President Thomas Woodley.
The final chapter of Yves Engler's The Ugly Canadian sums up Canada's role in the world today as America's errand-boy and PM Harper's government as a right-wing, militaristic, ideologically and theologically driven outfit always ready to look after the interests of powerful corporations in particular and the rich in general.
The entrance to the Justin Trudeau event was guarded by two women. "Please sign up here," said one.
Syria now has a new government-in-exile that allegedly unites all the groups seeking the overthrow of President Bashar Assad's murderous regime.
The words below are printed on a T-shirt I sometimes wear. They cut through the propaganda crap straight to the true cause of the latest unpleasantness in Gaza.
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.