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  • What is new about shock treatment for mental illness?Reuel S. Amdur
    January 1, 2015

    Is electroshock therapy, or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), for mental illness like a scene from the movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?"

  • For care-givers trauma is a two-way streetReuel S. Amdur
    January 1, 2015

    Suicide was the topic at the table during a weekend program on health care evaluation, many years ago. One of those present was a child psychiatrist. Mischievously, I asked which medical specialty had the highest rate of suicide. "Psychiatry," she replied without hesitation, "but surgeons have one-car fatal crashes." Her answer illustrates the fact that in helping people who have severe problems the helper may also be affected.

  • In his first six month Sisi gets A not A+Prof. Dr. Mohamed Elmasry
    December 31, 2014

    Sudan, South Sudan, Chad, Algeria, Libya, Ethiopia, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Italy, Russia, France, Greece, Cyprus and China are an impressive list of countries that Egypt has reached out to, in the last six months, to further develop its international relations.

  • Touring the New Suez Canal made me proudProf. Dr. Mohamed Elmasry
    December 24, 2014

    I made a point to tour the construction site of the New Suez Canal during my recent visit to my birth country. I am glad I did.

  • Older AlcoholicsReuel S. Amdur
    November 19, 2014

    Between 6 and 10% of seniors are estimated to have an alcohol problem. Metabolizing alcohol is more difficult for seniors, so an amount that was not a problem when younger may be one now, especially in the case of women.

  • The ins and outs of marihuana useReuel S. Amdur
    November 19, 2014

    On October 24, Carleton University Professor emeritus Peter Fried spoke to Ottawa's Council on Aging about marihuana. He directed an investigation begun in 1978 on the consequences of mothers' use of marihuana during pregnancy for development and behavior of their offspring.

  • Kissinger's World OrderScott Stockdale
    November 19, 2014

    While championing the Westphalian system of world order in his latest book World Order, Henry Kissinger is astute enough to know that outside of the American sphere of influence, few, if any, countries share this point of view.

  • Decoding Harper's Terror Game beneath the Masks and DiversionsProf. John McMurtry
    November 19, 2014

    Stephen Harper is the most deeply reviled Prime Minister in Canada's history. On the world stage, he is the servant of Big Oil boiling oil out of tar-sands to destroy major river systems and pollute the planet with dirty oil, while his attack dog John Baird leads the warmongering and bullying of nations like Iran and Syria targeted by the US-Israeli axis. He is the most despotic and toxic first minister in the life of our country. His administration defunds every social program and life protective system it can. It strips the country of its public information infrastructures at every level - including now the gagging of non-profit NGO's by eliminating their charitable status if they question any policy of his regime. Just as his friend George Bush Jr., Harper holds government by big-money backing, continual lies, attack ads, and life-blind policies to enrich the already rich. Canada's neo-con political class may have its head on backwards, but Harper is very cunning in skirting, subverting and perverting the law to abuse power at every level. He is the poster boy of the global corporate agenda of wrecking society and its common life support systems.

  • Harper, The Ottawa Shooter, and the Selling of War - Part IAnthony Hall
    November 19, 2014

    Remembrance Day, Nov. 11, 2014, Ottawa Canada. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper Takes Part in a Commemoration of Canada's War Dead on the Site Where, Days Earlier, a Canadian Soldier's Life Was Taken. The Same Day, Nov. 11, the Harper Government Names Canadian Military Bases After Corporal Nathan Cirillo, the Soldier Killed at the War Memorial, and Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent. The New Canadian Military Posts, Base Cirillo and Base Vincent, are in Iraq and Kuwait Respectively. Both Canadian Soldiers Were Reported to be Murder Victims of "Recent Coverts" to Islam. Both Lethal Events Were Immediately Defined as Terrorist Attacks Carried Out by "Radicalized Muslims." This Misrepresentation, Without any Impartial investigation Whatsoever, of Crimes as Acts of War Re-Enacts the Same Sleight of Hand as 9/11. The Military Effort Being Mounted in the Name of Fighting ISIL is a Concocted Psychological Operation Demonstrating Enormous Hubris on the Part of Those Putting Together an Elaborate Military Operations on the Expanding Eastern Frontiers of Greater Israel.

  • Harper, The Ottawa Shooter, and the Selling of War - Part IIAnthony Hall
    November 19, 2014

    6. Ochsenreiter: You seem very suspicious that the official story is misrepresenting the truth or holding back key elements of the truth.

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