Despite the heavy death toll on Egyptians of all backgrounds, Dr. Tyseer Aboulnasr, former Professor of Electrical Engineering in the School of Information Technology and Engineering, University of Ottawa, and Professor at the University of British Columbia, said she still thinks demonstrations that led to the ouster of President Morsi, and the bloody aftermath, were a price that had to be paid to stop the systemic destruction of Egypt as a state.
In response to numerous complaints by viewers, The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) has found Sun News commentator Ezra Levant in violation of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB) Code of Ethics and Equitable Portrayal Code, for comments he made about "Gypsies" in September 2012, during his program the Source.
Back in 1946, the state of Georgia had a county unit system of voting for the state-wide party primary elections.
I love musicals. They allow me to witness human creativity in music, lyrics, storytelling, acting and dancing all at once. London offers the best. Last summer I attended three on the legendaries Queen (We will Rock You), the Beatles (Let it Be) and Michael Jackson (Thriller Live), four musical dramas; A Chorus Line, The Bodyguard, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, and the one-of-a-kind Stomp.
Obviously, one of the most outstanding signs of the deep crisis Egypt is undergoing right now is the wide gap separating the vision of the Egyptians who took to the streets on June 30th against Mohamed Morsi and that of the Western media.
Western military action in Syria would be a "satanic intervention against a satanic regime," a leading Syrian opposition figure has warned.
The proposed Quebec Values Charter does not respond to any real need in our society. Rather, it looks like an inappropriate import from Europe.
Recalling the massacres and destruction during the 1820's Greek war of independence from the Ottoman Empire, then Victor Hugo wrote, "the Turks have passed by here - All is in ruins and mourning."
The events unfolding before our eyes in Egypt remind me of what happened in my home country Algeria.
"Obviously, I find these remarks and others deeply offensive and indefensible, and I repudiate them. I did not know of them before Reverend Hagee's endorsement, and I feel I must reject his endorsement as well."
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.