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  • UN must prevent Libyan slaughter Dr. Ramesh Thakur
    March 3, 2011

    In 2005, world leaders unanimously agreed that in situations where governments were manifestly failing in their sovereign duty, the international community, acting through the United Nations, would take "timely and decisive" action to honour the collective responsibility to protect people against atrocity crimes. Libya today is the place and time to redeem that pledge.

  • The American Monkey Can't Let GoFred Reed
    February 24, 2011

    Pondering Whither America, I reflected on a story, probably apocryphal but which I am going to believe because I like it, about catching monkeys. Tribesmen somewhere craft a heavy pot with a hole in it large enough that a monkey could insert an open hand, but not withdraw a closed fist. They then put monkey food in the pot. The monkey reaches in, grabs the food and, refusing to let go when the hunters approach, is caught and eaten.

  • The Canadian Charger sponsors VisitEgyptNOWThe Canadian Charger
    February 24, 2011

    Egypt, an iconic destination with antiquities we have all learned about since our youth, is inviting Canadians and other Westerns to visit during March or Easter breaks or soon after. The time is now. Visit Egypt with your family and friends. Go to the Red Sea. Visit Luxur and Aswan. Take a Nile cruise. See Cairo's Tahrir Square with your kids.

  • We are living through splendid times – Norman FinkelsteinEleanor Grant
    February 24, 2011

    “The disorder now sweeping the Middle East is allowing the Arab people to breathe the fresh air of dignity,” said Dr. Norman Finkelstein, speaking at a Kitchener Ontario church on Feb. 17.

  • Canada-US Security Perimeter: Whose Security?Reuel S. Amdur
    February 24, 2011

    There are active discussions taking place between Canada and Washington on a common security perimeter, or more precisely, a common security and economic perimeter.

  • Libya: Canadians call for action nowThe Canadian Charger
    February 23, 2011

    (Ottawa) A delegation met opposition parties, the Liberals, NDP and BQ, to demand immediate action by the Canadian government and NGOs to save the pro-democracy revolution in Libya. The delegation included Dr. Mohamed Elmasry, Ms. Safia Aghliw, a young Libyan Canadian, Mr. Ahmad Zarrug, a Libyan Canadian businessman who has just returned from the Libyan capital Tripoli and Mrs Faizah Ghadban-Kandar, an active member of Ottawa's Arab and Muslim communities.

  • The Veto and the Case for Impeaching President ObamaAlan Hart
    February 23, 2011

    Never before has an American President's fear of offending the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress been so exposed as it was by Obama's decision to veto the Security Council resolution condemning continued, illegal Israeli settlement activities on the occupied West Bank and demanding that Israel "immediately and completely cease" all such activities.

  • Understanding American behavior when it comes to Israel/PalestineProfessor Lawrence Davidson
    February 23, 2011

    The inspiring moments when President Obama appeared before the cameras, and thus the world, to declare that the dictator Hosni Mubarak must step down and the people of Egypt given the inalienable right to self-determination are now in the past. It was a moment when U.S. foreign policy actually appeared to correspond to the foreign reality it addressed. Ironically, it was this very correspondence that made the moment anomalous–something quite out of the ordinary.

  • Turning on the light of Muslim scienceNaser Faruqui
    February 23, 2011

    The political dramas unfolding in Tunisia, Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries present pivotal opportunities: They improve the prospects for harnessing science and its values to advance sustainable and equitable development, openness and democracy in the Islamic world.

  • Can the Egyptians Come to Canada to Liberate Us?Dr. Jason Kunin
    February 17, 2011

    As I sat glued to Al Jazeera for two weeks watching the Egyptian revolution unfold from my home in Toronto, I must confess to having experienced feelings of jealousy. How nice it must be, I thought, to live a country where people want democracy.

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