Gai Eaton, or Sidi Hasan (1921 - 26 February 2010): was a diplomat, author and one of Britain's most influential convert Muslims. In his nearly 60 years as a Muslim he proved that British values are very much compatible with Islamic ones, writes Kristiane Backer in her tribute to a friend.
Something very strange is happening in science, says Dr. Chris Lintott, an astrophysics researcher at the University of Oxford.
"Historical writings in English over the past half century or so have tended to privilege a version of the history of Jerusalem that is strongly weighted in favor of Jewish and Christian religious traditions relating to the city, and that in turn has tended to reinforce and make more accessible to Western readers the Israeli side's approach in the national conflict over Jerusalem.
In Canada, Holocaust Memorial Day has been established by Heritage Canada to be on April 11. It is a good opportunity to review what we learn from the Holocaust experience and how we apply these lessons to the troubled situation in the Middle East.
If you do not want Canada to head down the slippery slope towards totalitarianism, you must stand up against Quebec's nefarious Bill 94.
Well, in spite of all the deviousness and outright lies of the Tory government and then-Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon, the pressure of concerned citizens and a court order by Justice Russel Zinn prevailed.
Stephen Harper is not an easy read.
The U.S. has reached a new level in its discredited War on Terror just when we thought it could not sink any lower.
Am I alone in thinking that on a daily basis President Obama is beginning to sound more and more like George "Dubya" Bush when he was talking tough about protecting Americans at home by fighting wars abroad?
(April 5, Washington, DC) Julian Assange and Wikileaks kept their promise of February 20 by releasing a video tape that shows civilians and reporter deaths from an attack by United States forces. The tape was presented at a 9:00 am press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
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