Dear Libby: Please don't over apologize or backtrack too much here. Occupied or conquered? What difference does it make? It's still all stolen land. Ask an Israeli or pro-Israeli what the borders of Israel are.
The Canadian Charger will be at the G20 next week in Toronto to report on issues that affect people's lives.
These are the nine Turkish aid workers who were killed by Israel's armed forces on May 31, 2010 on board Mavi Marmara trying to break the siege of Gaza:
These days, I am one of millions who will be enjoying the 64 matches of the World Cup. "Soccer" is what the game is called by North Americans; football is the name by the rest of the world.
Has Sebastian Junger been cast as a front-line propagandist in the ongoing psychological operation of poisoning public consciousness so that citizens will support the Obama regime's unconscionable extension and escalation of the 9/11wars?
"By now it has been demonstrated that neither governments nor the UN will challenge this blockade, only people of conscience and courage will." - Richard Falk, Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University.
Today, many of the best-selling books on Islam present a version of Islam that is very different from the one I know.
In the predawn hours of May 31, I was aboard the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara, part of a convoy of humanitarian vessels aiming to deliver aid to besieged civilians in Gaza, when we were attacked in international waters by a unit of Israeli commandos.
A new McCarthyism is escalating in Canada, and a lot of Canadians are not aware of it.
For the last 50 days why profit-driven Western media has been referring to the oil company responsible for committing serious crimes as Bee Pee, but never as British Petroleum?
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.