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  • Bin Laden: Obama snatches defeat from jaws of victoryYvonne Ridley
    May 5, 2011

    As the news of Osama bin Laden's death filtered out onto the streets of America it triggered unsightly scenes of undiluted hysteria, chest-thumping and back-slapping which has sadly become a trademark of the vengeful 'hang'em high' lobby that emerged from the rubble of 9/11.

  • Canada: where are we and where do we go from here?Judy Rebick
    May 5, 2011

    It was an extraordinary election. Both Stephen Harper and Jack Layton got the results they were aiming for. Stephen Harper got his majority and Jack Layton replaced the Liberal Party not only as the Official Opposition but quite possibly as the only federal alternatives to the Harperites. Canada now looks like so many other countries with one party on the Right and one on the Left. So why do I feel so bad?

  • A gloomy future for CanadaThe Canadian Charger
    May 5, 2011

    The Germans have a word for it: Zeitgeist, the spirit of the times. Well, Harper won his majority government on May 2, but he took ownership of the Zeitgeist earlier.

  • Yellow journalism at Sun media The Canadian Charger
    May 5, 2011

    When the Toronto Sun "broke" the story that Jack Layton was found lying naked on a bed by Toronto Police, at a suspected Chinatown bawdy house in 1996, Canadians got some idea of what the Toronto Sun considers a big news story.

  • Waking up from the election to the elephant in the roomDr. John McMurtry
    May 5, 2011

    The most important new political landscape emerging from Canada's election has not been comprehended. The Harper majority, the collapse of the Liberal vote, and Quebec's re-entry into federal politics through a social democratic party are political turns that have caught attention.

  • Harper attacks on Canadian Arabs and MuslimsEdward C. Corrigan
    April 29, 2011

    During the Israeli attack on Lebanon in 2006 - and in the five years since - Stephen Harper has strongly defended Israel's policies even when other allies like the United States and Britain have made the occasional criticism of Israeli policy or called for compromise between the Israelis and Palestinians. This virtually unqualified support from the Harper government for Israel runs contrary to the view held by the vast majority of the World community.

  • Finding some perspective on recent poll results Geoffrey Stevens
    April 29, 2011

    Start with the New Democratic Party. Its “orange surge” of recent days — leading to fevered speculation that it would supplant the Bloc Québécois as number 1 in Quebec and the Liberals as number 2 in Ottawa — has been the most arresting development in an otherwise listless election campaign.

  • Lobbying corrupts US governmentProfessor Lawrence Davidson
    April 29, 2011

    In a piece titled Lobby, Lobbification, Lobbified I asserted that lobby power has corrupted the legislative branches of government particularly at the federal level. How and why this has happened needs further explanation.

  • Showing contempt for Canadian votersDr. David Lorge Parnas
    April 29, 2011

    From its start, the 2011 Canadian election campaign has been generating more heat than light. The discourse has been shallow with politicians treating us as if we could not think for ourselves. They avoid subtle issues, thereby treating us with contempt. It's time for the politicians to pay more respect to the voters and for the voters to look into the issues more deeply.

  • Harper and Canadian war crimes in AfghanistanDr. Michael Keefer
    April 29, 2011

    Torture has been a grim component of nearly every aspect of the current war in Afghanistan. Setting aside the behaviour of the Taliban regime and their Afghan opponents, the warlords of the Northern Alliance, which included grievous violations of human rights, US forces were involved in torture from almost the moment of their arrival in Afghanistan in late 2001.

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