How would you like to be handed a crisp $10 bill right after you voted in next month's Ontario election? How about getting a doughnut or even a lottery ticket?
The official story is now carved in stone, part of America's sacred history, accepted as gospel truth: despite repeated warnings by CIA and FBI field agents, 19 Muslim men who had taken a few flying lessons boarded four jetliners, commandeered the cockpits and, at high speeds and low altitudes, crashed the planes into Manhattan skyscrapers, murdering some 3,000 people.
On paper, Dalton McGuinty's Liberals are peerless. They go into next month's Ontario election armed with a blueprint that, in theory, is bold and comprehensive.
On Friday, the Center for American Progress published an important and excellent study, called Fear, Inc:
Like a skyrocket, Dr. Jack Layton rose to the heights, only to fall suddenly back to earth. On his rise, he took his party to new heights, but fate does not respect optimism, ambition, or even accomplishment. Now is the time to look at what he has done, what he has not done, and what remains to be done.
Progressives across Canada and Quebec are mourning the tragic death of NDP leader Jack Layton, who died of cancer at the early age of 61. As well as leading the NDP to its recent historic election results, Layton provided a number of lessons about how opposition inside and outside Parliament can work together for peace and justice.
When the Canadian boat to Gaza, the Tahrir, was boarded by Greek commandos and towed back to port on July 4, the resulting publicity galvanized supporters around the world in their determination to lift the siege of Gaza.
My two personal contacts with Libya have been at airports and both were shocking.
Never in our collective lifetime have we seen such an outpouring, so much emotional intensity, from every corner of this country. There have been occasions, historically, when we've seen respect and admiration but never so much love, never such a shocked sense of personal loss.
MONTREAL - Jack Layton leaves behind a party that is less self-righteous about holding a monopoly on social democracy, but more driven to advance its ideals.
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.