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  • Dr. Ingrid Mattson: a voice for tolerance and diversityScott Stockdale
    November 6, 2011

    Dr. Ingrid Mattson, an advisor to both the Bush and Obama administrations, and the inaugural London and Windsor community chair in Islamic Studies at Huron University College, said Islam has a pretty simple message.

  • The Zionist lobby’s First Lady in US CongressAlan Hart
    November 6, 2011

    After UNESCO voted to give the Palestinians full membership, the words of State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland contained a hint that the Obama administration at the highest levels is quite seriously concerned about the possible consequences for America of cutting off funds to the UN agency as required by Zionist lobby driven law enacted by Congress. (The U.S. funds about 22 percent of UNESCO's budget or roughly $80 million annually; and $60 million was scheduled to be sent this month).

  • Condoleezza Rice Talks Values Professor Lawrence Davidson
    November 6, 2011

    Condoleezza Rice was both National Security Advisor and Secretary of State under President George W. Bush. She was also an administration spokesperson who helped scare the American people into supporting the invasion of Iraq. She accomplished this by invoking the image of "mushroom clouds" incinerating the skylines of America. In doing so she gave credence to the false story that Iraq was a threat to the United States because it possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMDs).

  • Ex-soldier jailed for leaking Israeli assassination policyCatrina Stewart
    November 6, 2011

    Israel has sentenced a former soldier to four and a half years in prison for leaking classified documents to a journalist who used them to expose an alleged army policy to assassinate wanted Palestinian militants in violation of court rulings.

  • Ottawa: The Challenge of Street GangsReuel S. Amdur
    November 6, 2011

    Ottawa has some gangs but does not have a major gang problem, according to Staff Sergeant Mark Patterson. He was one of the speakers at a recent forum on gangs, under the auspices of Crime Prevention Ottawa and the Youth Services Bureau.

  • Has President Obama become a joke?Alan Hart
    November 6, 2011

    On October 22nd, in his radio address to his own people, and over the internet to those around the world who still think he is worth listening to, President Obama said, "This week we had two powerful reminders of how we've renewed American leadership in the world." That made me wonder which of the two d's should be applied to him - duplicitous or deluded. (I won't argue with any readers who might say that he is both because being duplicitous eventually makes you delusional. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is best proof of that).

  • Honourable PM Stephen Harper, Am I a Threat to Canada?Shawkat Hasan
    November 6, 2011

    I am one of the 1.4 billion Muslims around the world who is extremely saddened by what you said in your interview with Peter Mansbridge about Islamacism / Islamicism. You said loud and clear that "the Islamacism is the main threat to Canadian security" and that "the truth is that Islamic terrorism exists all over the world." By making these statements, your Honour has accused all Muslims on this planet including one million law-abiding Canadian Muslims of being warmongers and bloodsuckers waiting at every dark corner to harm innocent people.

  • Taking liberties: When elite representatives define 'national security'Matthew Behrens
    November 6, 2011

    Just after Thanksgiving, Montreal's Westin Hotel played host to a gathering of high-powered Federal Court judges, NGO heads, lawyers, academics, and members of Canada's torture-complicit spy service, CSIS. Coming together under the predictably dry title "Terrorism, Law and Democracy: 10 years after 9/11," the conference sought to determine "whether Canadian law has successfully preserved fundamental rights and values of substantive and procedural justice while at the same time contributing to anti-terrorism."

  • The Arab Spring comes to the US and CanadaProf. Dr. Mohamed Elmasry
    November 6, 2011

    I fully understand the 99% movements in the US and Canada and even predict their success. I was/still am a participant in the Egyptian Revolution in its three phases: (1) a revolution-in-the making (2003-2011), (2) from-protesting-to-a-revolution at Tahrir Square (January 25 - April 4, 2011) and (3) building a New Egypt (at present).

  • Occupy movement comes to CanadaThe Canadian Charger
    October 30, 2011

    As some 2,000 people recently marched from Ryerson University down Church Street, in a steady drizzle, chanting "Occupy Bay Street not Afghanistan," their numbers and their passion indicated their message resonated across a wide spectrum of society.

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