Through his stubbornness Hosni Mubarak has managed to transform himself from a 30 year old "loyal ally" into an 82 year old liability. Almost all dictators cling to power as long as they can. They get used to being the boss and it becomes a way of life for them. Mubarak is no different. But clearly the love of power is not all that is going on with him.
The old man is going. The resignation last night of the leadership of the ruling Egyptian National Democratic Party - including Hosni Mubarak's son Gamal - will not appease those who want to claw the President down. But they will get their blood. The whole vast edifice of power which the NDP represented in Egypt is now a mere shell, a propaganda poster with nothing behind it.
Demonstrations in support of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt? Who would have thought of this just a few days ago? No one. I am certain that this would come as a surprise to many people around the world. Only Egyptians would understand.
When Hosni Mubarak steps down from power in the near future, as I am sure he will, it will be a day that marks the beginning of a new era-one where no one can ever tell me again that serious change is not possible. In fact, thanks to the determination of those in Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, etc., that era has most likely already begun.
Last week in my native Egypt, I was an eye witness to history in the making.
The fact that the Arab world is awash with dictators has long been a key piece of evidence used to whip up anti-Muslim sentiment in the West.
Powerful interests in Israel and the United States are intent on pulling strings to have Professor Richard Falk fired half way through his six-year term as the UN's Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territories occupied since 1967.
Yesterday's new demand for Egypt's pro-democracy revolution was "Suleiman, Suleiman, Mesh A'yzeenik Inta Caman - Sumeiman we do not want you too."
After years of lamenting the lack of democracy in the Arab world, the U.S. has met the Egyptian pro-democracy revolution with fear and trepidation. Indeed it was doing everything it can to stop it.
US Administrations have been blighted since 9/11 by a deadly cocktail of arrogance and ignorance with a twist of the strong desire for revenge. But before you take aim and fire you have to know your enemy, and the scattergun policies of the Bush and now the Obama regimes have served only to create hatred and mistrust against the US in areas where it was never present.
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