As events are unfolding quickly on the ground, the international community's response to the ethnic cleansing of Muslims in the Central African Republic (CAR) is hopelessly inadequate: too little too late. Where has the world heard this before?
While multinational corporations set up subsidiaries in tax havens such as Ireland, Switzerland and the Cayman Islands and devise ways to transfer profits there from Canada, ordinary Canadian taxpayers have to pay more to make up for taxes corporations are avoiding, according to Dennis Howlett, executive director of Canadians for Tax Fairness. Moreover, there are no laws to prevent this.
When the Harper government obtained a majority by fraudulent means in the May 2, 2011 election, it was a turning point for Canada, according to Dr. Michael Keefer, professor emeritus at the University of Guelph, and author of the upcoming book Sabotaging Democracy: Robocall Vote Suppression in the Canadian 2011 Election.
On a recent episode of the Michael Coren Show, host Michael Coren expressed dire warnings about Sharia law encroaching on secular states throughout the English - speaking world, in the wake of the United Kingdom government's decision to allow the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal to make use of Sharia family law to settle disputes. Although not new, limited adoption of Sharia is controversial.
Fraud artists find the internet to be a highly useful tool. They use it in many creative ways to bilk people out of money. One approach that is extremely lucrative for them is the romance scam. Those stung suffer not only financial loss but heartbreak as well.
A recent article in the journal Neurology sheds new light on the rate of Alzheimer's disease.
My comments on the "Unmosqued" video event at the London library.
A recent public opinion poll asked Americans which of two options they would favour if a two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict was no longer on the table. (It is in the rhetoric of leaders and diplomats but not in reality). The two options were:
Muslim preachers spewing hate, intolerance and calls to jihad and murder receive barely a 'slap on the wrist' from British communication authorities.
Anyone who is familiar with the nature of what is called the "Israeli-Palestinian conflict" understands that the issues at stake are not religious ones. The people of Palestine have never identified universally with a single religion. Although the great majority of Palestinians can be identified as "Sunni Muslims," Palestinian Muslims live out their religious identity in many different ways. And of course there have been Palestinian Christians since the time of Jesus himself. In fact, Palestine has long been inhabited by people of many different religious faiths who have accommodated each other, developing an open and tolerant society.
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