Prime Minister Stephen Harper promises he will use his new majority to govern on behalf of all Canadians, not just the 40 per cent who voted for him. Assuming he intends to do what he says, what could he do to reassure the 60 per cent who supported candidates and parties on the left of the Tories?
I was appalled to read the articles published in the Canadian media about what the recent clashes between Muslims and Christians in Cairo. They were distorting facts and conveying half truths.
In December 1989 a series of riots and clashes led to the execution of Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and the end of the Communist regime. Romania was the only country in the Eastern Bloc where the transition from the socialist state to democracy involved the forcible overthrow and execution of the country's leaders.
It was quite a night! The new Parliament is going to be a very different place.
It's often said that people get the leaders they deserve and, for better or worse, Canadians have given Stephen Harper a strong mandate to implement his policies.
On April 27, 2011 the Egyptian government issued a press release in Cairo indicating that an agreement had been initialed by representatives of the two rival Palestinian factions: Fatah (which controls the West Bank) and Hamas (which controls the Gaza Strip). The Egyptian government had successfully brokered the secret unity talks. This agreement comes after four years of persistent failure to reconcile differences.
In the mind of the Arab masses the brilliant Arab youth managed to make a paradigm shift from how-did-we-get-here to how-can-we-move-forward.
As the news of Osama bin Laden's death filtered out onto the streets of America it triggered unsightly scenes of undiluted hysteria, chest-thumping and back-slapping which has sadly become a trademark of the vengeful 'hang'em high' lobby that emerged from the rubble of 9/11.
It was an extraordinary election. Both Stephen Harper and Jack Layton got the results they were aiming for. Stephen Harper got his majority and Jack Layton replaced the Liberal Party not only as the Official Opposition but quite possibly as the only federal alternatives to the Harperites. Canada now looks like so many other countries with one party on the Right and one on the Left. So why do I feel so bad?
The Germans have a word for it: Zeitgeist, the spirit of the times. Well, Harper won his majority government on May 2, but he took ownership of the Zeitgeist earlier.
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