"Punch Drunk Wives: for many women there is more to dementia than just getting older." That was the title of a presentation by Carleton University social work professor Roy Hanes before a meeting of SWAG (Social Workers in Aging and Gerontology) held in Ottawa on February 19.
The following Primary Axiom of All Value is a core excerpt from Prof. John McMurtry, Philosophy and World Problems, Volume I, UNESCO in partnership with Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems: Oxford: Eolss Publishers, 2011. Here it is permitted reproduction in response to Prof. Mohamed Elmasry's article, "In Search of The Meaning of Life".
When I took early retirement a decade ago, I planned to do a lot more traveling and writing, which I've done. But I've also discovered how difficult it is to enact the original concept of retiring; that is, being in solitude for contemplation and prayer.
As a child growing up in Egypt, my mother used to wish me a good sleep and happy dreams every night; and she would also ask me if I'd said my night-time prayers.
As the world once again reels in shock and revulsion following this week's coordinated attacks in Brussels that killed 31 innocent people and injured nearly 260 others, a chilling reality is emerging - terrorism has become an organized industry.
The United States is breaking up the global order established after World War II that allowed a country or official agency that was owed money by another country to go through an international court and enforcement system to collect from its debtor, according to Michael Hudson, President of the Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends, a Wall Street financial analyst, and Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City.
"I never say that Islam is a religion of peace. No, it is a religion for peace," Tariq Ramadan told an audience in a packed 742-seat auditorium at the Adult High School in Ottawa on November 22.
Whatever might be said in criticism of the Trudeau government, sunny days appear to be dawning over the Aboriginal file.
Since the development of a smallpox vaccine in 1796 the pharmacological industry has worked continuously to build the body's immunity against other diseases. Could a depression vaccine be next? Or can we learn more about tapping the potential of our own natural antidepressants?
Conventional wisdom has it that cheaper energy costs leave consumers around the world with more money to spend, thus stimulating most countries' economies to one degree or another.
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