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  • What is the endgame of the alleged Iran plot?Stephen M. Walt
    October 23, 2011

    It looks like the Administration is making a concerted campaign to ratchet up the pressure on Tehran. President Obama is standing firmly behind the administration's allegations, but without offering any new evidence to support them. This approach isn't going to wash, however, especially if journalists do their job, start asking a lot of probing questions, and don't allow themselves to get spun by "anonymous" sources and inside leaks.

  • A Palestinian state - reality or mirage?Bhupinder S. Liddar
    October 23, 2011

    "What wrong have these people done not to have a Palestinian passport - one of their country of birth, but are carrying passports of different countries?" the late Yasser Arafat asked Heath MacQuarrie and me, pointing to a room full of people next door.

  • Palestinians should vote in Jerusalem elections Avraham Burg
    October 23, 2011

    It was depressing to see American President Barack Obama's weak appearance at the United Nations. It was depressing to see this talented man, who brought such great hope to the world, presenting the pitiable position of a feeble empire. It was embarrassing to see him defending positions and people whom only a few months earlier he had attacked with fury. His obsequiousness is shameful, and this weakness is a real danger to the world. Therefore anyone who wants peace cannot make do merely with accusing Obama. One cannot allow his desperation to have veto power over our hope.

  • Israel's image on campusAli Abunimah
    October 23, 2011

    Sharp disagreements have intensified among leading US pro-Israel groups on the best methods to suppress criticism and discussion of Israel's apartheid, occupation, colonization and human rights abuses, or support for Palestinian rights, on US college campuses.

  • London: The Hallett Inquest Karin Brothers
    October 23, 2011

    On Thursday, July 7th, 2005, the city of London, England was closed down after explosions on three subway cars and a bus. The blasts killed 56 people and injured hundreds; the country was traumatized.

  • A sad day in the life of Egypt's revolution Prof. Dr. Mohamed Elmasry
    October 23, 2011

    A revolution releases latent forces within a people. Scholars differ over what is the essence of the French Revolution, disagree about how long it lasted, debate its results and even discuss when it began. But they all agree that what began in 1789 was bloody but very important.

  • The Occupy Wall Street protestsDr. Paul Krugman
    October 15, 2011

    It remains to be seen whether the Occupy Wall Street protests will change America's direction. Yet the protests have already elicited a remarkably hysterical reaction from Wall Street, the super-rich in general, and politicians and pundits who reliably serve the interests of the wealthiest hundredth of a percent.

  • Harper's Office of Religious FreedomThe Canadian Charger
    October 15, 2011

    For reasons known only to government officials, the Harper government's Office of Religious Freedom (ORF) - which is supposed to be a central plank of Canadian foreign policy - is being instituted under a cloak of secrecy.

  • Israel an apartheid regime says Amira HassThe Canadian Charger
    October 15, 2011

    (Toronto) Amira Hass - the daughter of Holocaust survivors - a reporter and columnist for the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz says she is the only Israeli Jewish journalist living and working in the occupied Palestinian territories. Now based in the city of Ramallah, she has lived in the West Bank since 1997 and in Gaza for four years before that.

  • Deal with crime before it occurs, says Prof Irving Waller Reuel S. Amdur
    October 15, 2011

    Irving Waller is a distinguished criminology professor at the University of Ottawa. He was asked what he thought of the Conservatives' omnibus crimes bill, the Safe Streets and Communities Act. "I was surprised," he said, "that Minister of Justice Victor Toews used some real statistics for his case." He was referring to Toews' citing 400,000 violent crimes and 200,000 break-and-enters at a cost of $14 billion in tangible losses and another $68 billion in other losses.

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