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  • From Egypt's Tahrir Square Prof. Tyseer Aboulnasr
    September 22, 2013

    As I stood in Tahrir square, packed up again with people everywhere you turn, I looked around me. There was one man pushing his own wheelchair, an older woman being pushed in her wheelchair, a woman carrying a baby, women with and without hijab, kids (yes, women are very present), men, young and old, and last but not least, Christian men and women visibly wearing the cross.

  • Edward Snowden didn't break any law but the US government didScott Stockdale
    September 9, 2013

    On June 5, The Guardian newspaper released a top secret order of the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)that ordered a business division of Verizon Communications to provide "on an ongoing daily basis" metadata for all telephone calls "wholly within the United States, including local telephone calls" and all calls made "between the United States and abroad."

  • Bombing Syria is a war crime Scott Stockdale
    September 9, 2013

    Although it appears to be an open and closed case for bombing Syria, with international observers having overwhelmingly confirmed that Syrian President Assad is complicit in the preponderance of war crimes and crimes against humanity against the Syrian people, Prof. Noam Chomsky said bombing Syria without UN approval would be a war crime, regardless of Congressional approval.

  • On Egypt: To my Canadian friendsThe Canadian Charger
    September 8, 2013

    As a practicing Muslim Egyptian Canadian (now living in Cairo), I urge you to consider that living in Canada and especially if you do not have roots in Egypt, you may have been lead to believe that the recent Egyptian people's decision to remove the deposed President of Egypt was in some way about Islam.

  • Egypt's military backing a popular uprisingThe Canadian Charger
    September 8, 2013

    Although he said he's always hesitant about the role of the military in politics, Canadian community activist Ali Mallah fully supports the ouster of Egyptian president Morsi.

  • From Yugoslavia with love, Part 1/4Prof. Dr. Mohamed Elmasry
    September 8, 2013

    I came to know Yugoslavia three times in a span of 60 years; one in the 1950s, another in the 1990s and one last week.

  • From Yugoslavia with love, Part 2/4Prof. Dr. Mohamed Elmasry
    September 8, 2013

    I started my visit to Sarajevo by having lunch as a guest of the Grand Mufti of Bosnia-Herzegovina at a traditional Bosnian restaurant in the beautiful national park which is situated by the water springs at the foothills of the Mount Igman which feed the Bosna River at the outskirts of Sarajevo.

  • From Yugoslavia with love, Part 4/4Prof. Dr. Mohamed Elmasry
    September 8, 2013

    On Bosnia-Herzegovina of today, political scientist Dr. Florian Bieber of Kent University, in Central and Southeast European Politics Since, makes the following important comments, "Democratization and Europeanization of Bosnia remain more conditional on its neighbors than is the case in most other Central and East European countries."

  • From Yugoslavia with love, Part 3/4 Prof. Dr. Mohamed Elmasry
    September 8, 2013

    In his excellent 1954 book Introducing Yugoslavia, British author Lovett F. Edwards was also fond of Mostar, a small city set like a jewel in the mountainous landscape of southern Bosnia-Herzegovina. But who wouldn't.

  • Canada's dirty oilScott Stockdale
    September 8, 2013

    With people from all over the world coming to Canada because they have a vested interest in developing pipelines to transport Canada's heavy oil from Alberta, primarily westward to the Pacific coast - and also possibly eastward to Ontario and Quebec - is it any wonder that environmental concerns are not the primary concerns of these investors?

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